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Chapter Forty

     Fei Jianxiong woke up from a coma, and when he saw Nong Fanyi and Lou Jingheng standing in front of him, he was startled. "It's you, what do you want to do?"

     Fei Jianxiong glanced at the tall and tall Lou Jingheng, thinking that Nong Fanyi still had accomplices. Seeing that these two people were not friendly, Fei Jianxiong couldn't help feeling frightened. He shouted at the top of his voice: "Come on, come on... Xiaoyin."

     At this time, the house seemed to be an empty house, and there was no movement at all. Outside the house, Xiao Yin stood guard in the yard, not seeing any waves in his downcast eyes.

     "Of course we're here to get back those things that don't belong to you. Don't you want to meet fellow travelers?" Lou Jingheng sneered.

     Only then did Fei Jianxiong realize that all the banknotes, gold, silver and jewelry he had packed away had disappeared. He glared at Nong Fanyi and Lou Jingheng, and suddenly rushed towards Nong Fanyi to take him hostage.

     Lou Jingheng had been prepared for a long time. Fei Jianxiong was his opponent. He felt that his hand was clamped by an iron clamp, and he was thrown against the wall in an instant, and fell heavily on the ground on the ground.

     Cracks appeared on the wall, and Fei Jianxiong spat out a mouthful of blood. Fei Jianxiong saw that his hand was broken abruptly. He saw Lou Jingheng's terrifying force value, and looked at Lou Jingheng with fearful eyes.

     Fei Jianxiong wailed at Nong Fanyi: "Don't...don't kill me. Brother...I don't want you anymore, I'll give you all, give you all!"

     "You are no longer my brother." Nong Fanyi said sadly.

     "Fan Yi, what do you want to do with him?" Whenever Lou Jingheng thought of seeing Nong Fan Yi who was covered in blood and dying in the dungeon, he wanted to cut the man in front of him to pieces. But he occupied Nong Zijie's body after all... Lou Jingheng looked at Nong Fanyi and asked what he meant.

     Seeing the terrified expression of his younger brother in front of him, Nong Fanyi couldn't bear it. But in his mind, he thought of so many people who died in vain...

     "Stop using Zijie's body to do evil, my brother should have rested in peace long ago." Nong Fanyi turned his head away from Fei Jianxiong's desperate eyes, he knew that his younger brother Zijie had fallen from the tree as early as that time. is no longer alive.

     Lou Jingheng stepped forward, and under Fei Jianxiong's horrified eyes, broke his neck with his bare hands.

     Lou Jingheng walked out of the courtyard with Nong Fanyi in his arms, Xiao Yin stepped forward and said, "Master."

     "Prepare the good birthday materials and cremate the second young master. I want to take him back to Lancheng." Nong Fanyi seemed to be drained of strength after saying this, and he couldn't even stand still.

     "Yes, young master."

     Lou Jingheng wrapped Nong Fanyi into his arms and wiped away his tears. "From now on, I will be your relative and lover, and I will never leave you."

     "From now on, I only have Big Brother Lou."

     That night, Nong Fanyi was awakened by the noise outside. After dealing with Fei Jianxiong, he was in a low mood. After dinner, he took a rest early.

     "Fan Yi, I woke you up." Lou Jingheng brought him a coat.

     "Brother Lou, what's going on outside? It's so noisy!"

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