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☆、Chapter 19 Marriage

After returning to the imperial capital, Lou Jingheng got busy. He wanted to set up Weiheng Entertainment Company before school started, and he was a little rushed in time.

To set up a company, in addition to sufficient start-up capital, there are people. After all, Lou Jingheng is a student and still in school, so it is impossible to stay in the company all the time. Therefore, it is imperative to find a general manager to manage the company. As for the candidate, Lou Jingheng thought of only one person.

Lou Jingheng took the special products brought back from Yuanzhou to Wang Xianyu's house.

"Jingheng, you are here, come in quickly." Wang Xianyu was very happy to see that Lou Jingheng had come. "Come here, come, what else do you bring, you are still polite with Brother Wang."

"This is a specialty of Yuanzhou. I can't finish it all by myself." Lou Jingheng handed the specialty to Aunt Qu. "Where's Brother Yan?"

"He, he's still working overtime." Wang Xianyu sighed, "Brother Yan is good at everything, but you are too loyal."

"What's wrong?" Lou Jingheng asked.

It turns out that Yanmu's company is now at the time when the old and the new are changing. As the old president's confidant, Yanmu's status is rather embarrassing. And the new president naturally wants to train his confidantes, so he is very afraid of the high-ranking Yanmu. Gradually, he was excluded from the core of the company. The new president doesn't want to leave behind the words of the company's former heroes when he takes office. He can only keep aggravating Yanmu's work, hoping that Yanmu can leave on his own if he is sensible.

"The former CEO of Brother Yan's company was kind to him in the early years, but he has already paid off what he has done for the company over the years." Wang Xianyu said.

Yanmu drove back, but he didn't get out of the car right away.

Yanmu sat in the driver's seat and sighed. He resigned today.

Yanmu didn't expect that after working hard for the company for more than ten years, he was just a test stone for the new president in the end.

Yanmu knew that with the narrow-minded personality of the new president, it would be difficult for him to find a good job in this industry after losing his job. Fortunately, he and Wang Xianyu have accumulated a lot of savings over the years. The house was also bought in the early years, and the income of Wang Xianyu's optical shop was stable. So there is no problem in the lives of the two of them at present.

But... Yanmu doesn't want his lover to suffer, let alone worry him.

Yanmu took a deep breath and got out of the car. When he returned home, he saw Lou Jingheng was there. "Jingheng, you are here."

"Brother Yan, I'm here today to ask for your help." Lou Jingheng directly explained the purpose of his visit, and he told Yanmu about his plan to establish an entertainment company. "I hope Brother Yan can help me."

"Have you thought it all over? You are still a student now, do you think you can take care of it? And funds..." Yanmu asked.

"I've thought it through. Brother Yan, please don't worry about the funds." Lou Jingheng then briefly explained what happened to him in Fushi Prefecture.

"Jingheng, you can really do it!" Wang Xianyu heard that Lou Jingheng actually gambled a piece of imperial green, he kept praising him, and said to Yanmu: "Jingheng wants to start a business, so you can help him, your poor company It doesn't matter if you don't stay."

"I have resigned today." Yanmu announced to the two of them.

"That's really great." Seeing his lover finally figured it out, Wang Xianyu was very happy.

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