Love Problems

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~Meanwhile you are video chatting with Coffee!~

( A/N: I'm just gonna write their conversations because I don't know how to describe the images)


Y/n! You haven't been on since forever! did you forget me...

Of course not*awkward laugh* , Um...I need some help...

Ahhh... My dear little toffee. What is it? (her nickname for you, you were the best of friends so your names must rhyme,obviously.) in a love problem.

Aha! My little toffee is growing up.'s 3 boys who like me ( I suppose) so what should I do?

Choose one.


Tell meh their personalities. ( she said, using a doctor accent.)

Well... :

They all have black hair and eyes.

XiaoKai( Karry) is cool, hot and tall. He's the leader of Tfboys.
ErYuan( Roy ) is cute and mostly childish. His voice sounds amazing ~!
QianZong( Jackson ) is cool and sweet. He's the youngest.

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG did you say " Tfboys " ?!?!?

Yes? Do you know them?

* squeal * they're like the most cool group ever!


Uh-huh. Totally. You can't have Karry tho! Karry is like so Hawt.

Okay...then who should I choose?

Well...out of Jackson and Roy, who do you like better?

Roy is nice but, you see the problem is that...I kinda rejected him already.

What?!? You dare to reject the kawaii WangYuan??? * gasp *

( :/ ) what should I have done? I wasn't ready! I had just remembered that Jackson was my old boyfriend. What should I do?

Well. That leaves Jackson. Just choose Jackson.

But I don't even know if he still likes me! it have been more than one year already. Feelings change...

Just go to school and notice their every movement carefully.


No buts.

Okay... Thanks for helping me!

No problemo my little toffee, anytime ^.^

~ ends videochat~

A/N: hey guys~ Long time no see ( heh.) I finished my math test ( last one before summer break :D ) hopefully, I'll be lucky~ also I want to be an idol in china so much!!! I'm obsessed. I know it's tiring but i think it's worth it! But I'm so shyyyy. :I anyone else can relate to this? But I'm in Canada and I'm horrible at singing, so it probably won't become true... Oh well! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

PS. I have Track Attack ( a sport day ) tomorrow, i have relays too! hopefully I won't faint like y/n in the story ! Heheheh.

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