Jackson X Reader

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A/N: Sorry for not updating since 4ever! Plz forgive meh. *bow* Now, enjoy!

You skipped around your room. You have a date today with Jackson! He is so sweet! He is always so nice to you. You wore a tank top because it was sunny today. You had a hard time with choosing a blue denim skirt or a pair of skinny jeans. You chose the skinny jeans because you and Jackson were going to the beach, you didn't want the skirt floating up from the wave winds.


You ran downstairs, out to the driveway. Where was he? he wasn't here! Suddenly you felt someone's arm wrapped around your waists. You blushed, turning around to see Jackson's smiling face looking at yours. " Good Morning, Cinderella." He whispered in your ear. Cinderella was your nickname from him because you could dance very well. Like Cinderella at the ball. " Good Morning Boss! "It was his nickname because he looked so serious most of the time. " Let's go!" You guys ran toward the beachside. Jackson had a house beside the beach!

You walked along the shoreline. The view was breath taking. You skipped around, smiling at Jackson. " Let's play!" You teased Jackson. Jackson grinned, starting to chase you. You guys ran and ran. Then you slipped, " Ahhhhh!" You screamed. It was as if Jackson saw it in slow motion. He ran toward you, trying to save you. Only to trip over himself. You opened you eyes, you blushed. Jackson was laying on top of you with his hands beside your head. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" He blushed, trying to get up. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him. "No need to hurry...." You smiled slyly. Then he did it, his lips on yours. Your eyes widened. " I'm so sorry! I couldn't resist." Jackson said, feeling ashamed for not respecting you. "Yah, sure." As you leaned up for another.
Jackson stared at you, in awe. "Sorry. I couldn't resist either." You grinned.

After hours Jackson walked with you home. "Thank you for today." You smiled shyly." Oh, no. Thank YOU!" He replied. You both smiled, you both had a great time chatting, swimming, and suntanning. "See you tomorrow at school!" You waved goodbye. "Oh. Here! " Jackson remembered suddenly. Taking a necklace out from his jean pocket. You gasped. It was beautiful! A beautiful jade shone in the middle with small diamonds along the necklace string. "Thank you so much !" You said, getting teary, he must have save up for it for so long! You hugged him. He turned around, but you could tell he liked it. With that , you ran up to your house and went in. Seeing Jackson giving a tiny wave to you. You waved back. You pointed to yourself, then made a heart symbol and then pointed at him. I Love You. He blushed, walking away in happiness.

~The End~

A/N: did you fangirl over this one? cause I did!

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