Jackson's Point Of View

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Jackson's POV

I sat on the bench relaxing when I thought, why not go see Roy and Y/N's race? my race was still a long time away. I ran to get Karry and we went to see y/n. NO I MEAN ROY AND Y/N !!! What am I thinking.... Y/n looks so cute and pretty~~~NO WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? STOP THINKING ABOUT HER BEAUTIFUL HAIR THAT WOULD LOOK SO SO GOOD WITH CHERRY BLOSSOMS! If only I could kiss her.... Just for once.... I sighed, blushed. Karry has forgotten his sunglasses again so I gave him one of my extra sunglasses. He should be the responsible one but he sometimes are forgetful.

" Oh, the race is starting! " I grabbed Karry and quickly got a good seat. Y/n honestly looks perfect in every way, everyday. I blushed again. I need to stop thinking about this! Y/n won't like me anyways... She'll probably like Karry or Roy more. I suddenly felt a surge of anger toward Karry and Roy . How come they always get the girls. So what ,I'm not very good looking. But I'm smart, kind, and good at dancing. I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking like that. It's not Roy or Karry's fault for being good looking.

Y/n had started running! her beautiful hair floating magically behind her. And her pink lips, they look so kissab----STOP IT JACKSON! GET A GRIP ON YOUR THOUGHTS! Her foot suddenly got in a weird position and she tripped. She lay on the ground. Not moving. My heart beat fast as ever. I ran as fast as I can, not caring to get Karry. Please oh please. I pleaded for her to be alright. I ran and checked her pulse. I let of a sigh of relief, it was still beating. But she's not moving ! I felt tears in my eyes. Please.... I don't want her to get hurt 2 times all because of me... Please! I plead to God. Mr. Chen then got us to clear out and the ambulance toke her away. Sports day was cancelled because of it. I couldn't sleep that night. Was she okay? Did she wake up? please. Please let her forgive me. I begged to god.

A/N: what did Jackson mean by y/n getting hurt by him 2 times??? What do it mean to let y/n to forgive him ? What had he done? find out later in the story! I think Jackson is falling for y/n ~~~ oohhhhlaalaaa.

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