Again, he chuckled, "what class are you heading to?"

"Bio 1, Mr.Mitchell." I responded.

"Oh he loves me, c'mon." He nodded.

"Oh my god you don't have to walk with me to class Mr.Perfect, there's no way I looked that lonely.."I groaned.

"Hayden shut up, you're gonna be late because the bells about to ring, if I walk in with you he won't make you get a pass." He explained.

"Oh wow..." I mumbled, "Kay lead the way." I shrugged, anything beat having to get a pass.

"sorry for telling you to shut up, you just don't listen." He spoke, scratching the nape of his neck nervously as he chuckled.

"I've been told." I shrugged.

"You coming to the game this Friday, it's gonna be packed." He smiled.

"Ahhh no," I spoke as I came up with a lie, "I wasnt able to get tickets."

"I can get you one, that's no problem." He nodded.

"No!" I responded quickly, "I uh—I have plans, yeah! Yeah I have plans." I blinked happily.

He gave me a funny look then burst into laughter, "oh really?"

"Yes really, and why is that so funny nigga?" I asked with a frown.

"Because you lack the ability to lie Hayden." He responded simply.

"What! I'm literally such a good liar, I grew up with a military dad." I defended.

"When you lie you blink." He shook his head.

"I do what!?" I questioned a bit too loudly, "you literally just made that up."

"I didn't." He defended.

"I can point it out next time if you want." He shrugged.

"There won't be a next time because its not true." I said simply.

"okay little leaf." He nodded.

"Okay no, we're gonna end that corny ass nickname before it even starts." I said seriously.

"If you hate it, that's even more reason for me to use it."

"I will strangle you." I told him with a glare.

"Okay, try." He nodded, looking over at me.

I blinked and came to a stop, "can you just go in there and work your Mr.Perfect magic so I don't have to get a pass?" I sighed, nodding toward the classroom.

He rolled his eyes then nodded, "cmon," he muttered lowly before opening the door for me.

I walked in and before I could even speak my teacher spoke, "Do you have a pass young man?"

Good Morning to you too ass hat.

"Hey Mr.Mitchell," Yamir spoke as he walked ahead of me.

The entire demeanor of the teacher spoke when he saw the taller boy.

"Ah Yamir, good to see you young man—uh Hayden go have a seat," he waved off before returning his attention to Yamir.

I blinked at him flatly then shook my head.

Everyone in this class was either zoned out, sleep, or on their phones.

After I sat down I looked at over at Yamir to see him talking to my teacher still.

When he glanced over at me he sent a small thumbs up with his non visible hand which did make me crack a small smile.

I did a thumbs up of my own before pulling out my books.

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