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In a the cold waters there was a  half breed that seems to be dead but then a canoe was seen going towards him. Then a hand reach to grabbed the Half breed pulling him out of the colds water. We found someone quickly return to the land to tell the chief. Yelled a Native as he and the others quickly started to paddle the canoe back the land. They quickly tied the Half Breed arms to make sure he doesn't attack them when he wakes up. Looks at what I found. Said the native as he takes the necklace of the half breed neck that had a man in a armor. Upon arriving on the land quickly they got the half breed to be carried out of the canoe towards the chief and his son. What did you find? Ask the chief. A English man who is a cold one was drowned in the waters. Said The native as he shows a  necklace towards the chief.  A English man that is a Cold One? Ask the young native son with curious in his eyes.  A cold one in our waters only brings trouble into our homes. Said the chief not noticing his son was staring at the Cold One until he saw the cold one gently waking up only to stare at his brown eyes. Which lead to a imprint on the Cold one. Your my brother Cold One. Said The young Native Chief to himself.  Father it's seems The cold one is awake. Said the young chief son towards his father that stare at the English man. Why are you here English Man? Ask the chief with concern of his people. Escape from the soldiers that try to destroy us. Said The English Man who is struggling to hold back his hunger. Chief son felt him struggle then he quickly rush inside the tent where his mother was staying safe. How many of you were trying to escape? Ask the chief with a stern voice. We were 10 or 14 of us until thirst for blood was to much that each of us became sick or had to be executed by one other vampire. Said The Englishman who struggled with trying to control his hunger until the young native rushed out of the tent holding a dead rabbit putting it close for the English man to take a bite for him to feed on the blood. Don't hold back for I know you are starving. Said The young native as he feed the cold one until the cold one was full. Thank you for the meal for I haven't had a delicious blood every day since I fled my country. Said the English man marking the day a cold one as a rare occurrence of piece between two different creatures.

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