I don't want to talk about my career right now. She doesn't even know that I might quit soon. It'd break her heart. She always supported my career...

"It's humid. You should come inside," I suggest.

"I like the warmth. Come here, come closer. Feel the sun on your skin."

"I feel it," I say but move closer anyway. Mainly because she is pulling on my sleeve until I finally sit down next to her.

"Here, take your tea before I spill it."

"Have some. Sencha is good for your soul." I take a sip so she finally takes the cup from me.

"You have such golden hair," she says, trying to comb it with her fingers. "Your kids will have beautiful hair." I almost spit the tea back out. "And beautiful eyes as well."

Here we go again. She wants to talk about my future children. And our future family.

"She's very pretty."

"You keep telling me that," I laugh.

"Well, it's true. She is very beautiful."

"Yes, Obachan. Zelda is very beautiful."

"I wish I could talk to her."

"I know. I will do my best to translate."

"You never translate my words!" she complains and yanks the tea out of my hands.

"Because you keep telling me to tell her how pretty our kids would be! It's weird!"

"Oh, don't be so timid," she mocks. "I just want to know more about her." Like what? Her fertility window? Zelda doesn't even know if she likes kids. No need to pressure her into thinking she has to have kids with me anytime soon.

"Let's just go back to talking about the sun," I bid.

"When are you going to marry that girl?"

Not this again. "Obachan," I turn my head the other way. "I told you... We've only been dating for a few months."

"Oh dear, let me tell you something about marriage. When you finally find that special someone, it doesn't matter how long it takes or how quickly it goes. Time is of no importance when it comes to true love."

"We're too young to marry."

"Too young to marry," she huffs. "I married when I was 16."

"Okay, but you were born in a different century. And you weren't in college when you married. Zelda and I... we're both busy with other stuff."

"Yes, believe it or not but I'm an athlete with a tight schedule."

"Don't give me attitude," she warns jokingly.

"And Zelda is working towards a doctorate degree," I continue anyway. "We don't have time to think about marriage and kids right now."

"Remind me... When are you graduating?"

"In two years."

"What will be your excuse in two years?" she asks with a smug expression, sipping on her tea. I will still be busy and Zelda will still be in school, but I don't say any of that. Obachan is stubborn and she won't let go of this until she's satisfied.

"I guess I won't have any excuses once I graduate."

"So you will marry her in two years then?"

"Sure, Obachan. I will marry her in two years." She'll have forgotten all about this conversation by then.

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