Chapter 22

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Weddings were supposed to be joyous occasions. One that would have been planned with those you wanted to celebrate the special day with. From the flowers to decorations, the two or three tired cakes, all the way down to where the venue would take place. A scenery that held some meaning between the two that wanted to join hands. A day when the sun raised high in the sky, shining brightly upon those that stood in front of everyone and could care less about those that attendant than the one in front of them.

Lydia had dreamed about a day like that, and the only thing she got was the blinding light that filtered through the window of a room Kian brought her into to get ready. She wasn’t so sure she would get that anymore. Since the night Kian had brought her to see Asher and Sebastian, she hadn’t been able to go back. Well, she could have. It was more that she didn’t want to know what Kian would ask for in exchange for her to meet with them. There was also the fact she knew Theron had a plan, and Sebastian seemed to know about it. Launt didn’t seem to suspect anything, though; she couldn’t be sure he knew something and hid it well. 

She had to believe in Sebastian’s words that they had a plan. As the days passed, preparations and maids came into the room, and fittings were made. They left once they were done, which had taken a toll on the spark of hope she clung to. Not knowing what they had planned and sitting and waiting to be rescued like a damsel in distress was something she hated with a fiery passion. She went to school for that specific purpose to know how to avoid the situation she got herself in, but not the world she ended up in. It was like the world wanted to throw a couple of big fat ‘fuck you’s’ in her face before slamming one right into her face that she couldn’t see coming when she was already down. 

“Your highness.”

Lydia glanced at Launt as he appeared in the room. His voice had a way of coming out teasingly every time, yet soft enough she couldn’t tell when he was messing with her or being serious. The same sinister smirk on his face while the maids scurried away. She didn’t know who to fear more, him or Kian. One held the power of a Kingdom in his hands, while the other seemed to appear and disappear when he pleased, and she couldn’t say for sure Kian could control the man. He stuffed a hand in his pocket, gliding across the room, and picked up one of the many trinkets in it and held it up in front of him. She knew he wasn’t interested in it, not the way his green eyes dulled with disinterest or the careless way he held it. 

“I see we’re still not talking. That’s fine, you don’t need to talk. All you have to say today is the words you need to marry the prince.” 

Words that had been drilled into her head so relentlessly that she wouldn’t be able to forget them even if she tried. Kian made sure of that. He entered her room once the maids left and made her repeat the words over and over again. She could still feel his hands running up her sides and his breath along her skin every time she said those words, even if he wasn’t touching her. He ingrained himself so deep into her skin, it crawled with just hearing those words in her mind, no matter how much she scrubbed her skin raw. 

Launt set the trinket down. She didn’t need to see his face to know his eyes scanned her face. 

“I didn’t think we’d have a problem with that. I am here to ensure you walk down that aisle peacefully and without so much as a slight hesitation." He slowly walked toward her, his eyes never leaving hers, and she didn't know if it unnerved her that his gaze never wandered or glad it didn't. His fingers played with the diamond earrings that dangled heavily from her ears. "I'm not sure if I should beg a woman to step out of line so I can make those men pay the price and hear your screams begging me in return to stop again, or be the good little servant the prince thinks I am and tell you to be a good little girl."

"If you think begging me just so you can do whatever the hell it is you did, again, you can beg on your knees for an eternity, and I'd never do what you ask of me," Lydia hissed in return, stepping out of his grasp. The earring brushed against her bare shoulder when it fell from his fingertips. 

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