Chapter 21

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"Entering, his highness, the Crown Prince, Kian Brahil, and her highness, Lydia."

Lydia had never been the center of attention for any high class. She had done presentations in high school and college in front of her peers. Never something on the scale that Kian had set up. Her heart dropped at the crowd of well-dressed people. They had taken a respectful bow when they entered; their attention focused on them.

Her chest rose and fell with each short quick breath she took in to calm her nerves at what was happening.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice. I had an unfortunate night which led me to my hasty decision. Though, I'm sure Lydia, my dear sweetheart, can't wait either. It wasn't long ago when I made an announcement of a savior coming to help us with the dragons, and it so happens I have fallen in love with her too." Kian glanced her way with a wide smile. She half-heartedly returned the gesture.

It would seem many in this Kingdom have sought to take what I hold dear, which is why I would like to make the formal announcement of our engagement and the wedding that will take place in four days' time."

Lydia couldn't keep the mask on. Her face dropped at his words, and her heart sank to her stomach. Everything became muffled around her. Her body felt hot and cold at the same time, chills running along her exposed skin.

"Smile, dear. I'd hate for you to see those you do care about not see you."

His words barely registered in her mind. She breathed steadily through her nose as he led her down the stairs onto the ballroom floor. The crowd parted while Kian led her to where his parents sat on different chairs.

"Greetings, father, mother," Kian bowed, holding their joined hands up between them.

Lydia followed suit, holding the side of her dress up. Her head facing the ground in a formal curtsey.

"Congratulations on your engagement, son. May your wedding be blessed and your love last until the end. Now," the King spoke louder, addressing the entire room. "Let the celebration begin."

Claps echoed in the room. Everything in her kept going on normally, yet she felt frozen in place. Royal ceremonies of any kind took time to plan, no matter the occasion, and here Kian was. Speeding up the process to an attempt to tie her to him. She wanted to scream out. Her voice was lost in her mind. A bind that was slowly suffocating her will to fight against the man next to her. Fighting back meant a quick end for Asher, but Kian couldn't keep them alive forever. Her heart sped up when she realized he didn't need forever. He only needed her until the threat was gone. Then what? She would be useless to him other than someone to quench his desires.

Lydia was glad when he didn't move onto the dance floor, where some of the crowd gathered their partners to waltz to the orchestra that began playing. She didn't know how to dance to that and would have made a fool of herself and Kian. The result was not something she wanted to think about.

Stiffening, she noticed a group of people began making their way toward them. Not only were they standing off to the side of Kian's parents, it meant more eyes that watched her every move. She side-eyed Kian quickly, finding him smiling at those that approached-a warm smile on his face, lightening his features. She wanted to scowl at the well-placed mask but pushed it down, the feeling getting lodged in her throat.

Kian greeted everyone that stepped forward, introducing them by name while he placed a hand on the small of her back. She inhaled a sharp breath at the subtle reminder, forcing a smile on her face when their eyes traveled to her. Their names went through one ear and out the other. She most likely wouldn't ever see them again. She gave a mellow response back. Kian's hand rubbed her back in what should have been a sign of reassurance, but the only vibe it gave off was, 'good job.'

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