"Mia, you should tell her about this, she deserves to know." He looks directly at me. "Your brother didn't tell Danielle and look where that got us." I can't tell he was fighting himself not to say that but his quick mouth won.

"I will, I have learned my lesson believe me." I nod. "But I still don't want her to notice people are looking out for her, she won't like it."

Keeping someone in the dark completely tends to backfire and I promised her honesty so that's what I will give her. Because if we are doing this... if we are together as something more than a nurse and a patient she deserves to know.

"Good. I have to show you some more stuff if you have time." Rick wonders pointing to my laptop.

"Sure." I nod even though I just want to get back to her.


"Okay sounds right to me," I say to Rick as he keeps on talking about something I'm not listening to. I'm just looking at the time.

2 am.

That "some stuff" Rick had to show me turned into a lot of stuff and we have been here for hours. I sent her a message around midnight telling her not to wait up for me anymore, that it was taking me longer than expected but she said she didn't mind, that she wasn't tired. Two hours later she is probably asleep or at least I hope she is.

"I think it's my cue to leave, you have looked at the time about ten times in the last few minutes." Rick smiles noticing I'm probably eager to get back to her. "I was saying that I will get in contact with Nathan and hit you up once I know something."

"Yeah thanks, sorry I got distracted. It's been a long day." I apologize.

And oh has it been, my legs are killing me. I just want to lay down next to her, hug her tight against my body, and sleep until the sun comes up again.

"Don't worry." He stands and looks back at me. "You seem happy by the way, I like seeing you this way." He gives me a genuine smile as he walks to my office's door.

I smile in return, not sure of what to say, and take my crutches so I can go after him. In silence, we reach the main entrance and he nods goodbye. When the door closes I lose no more time and go to my room.

Pushing the door open I see her. She is sleeping soundly on my bed with a blanket over her perfect body. The only light illuminating the room being my bedside table lamp. She looks angelic... in peace. Her beautiful curls cover my pillow and her sweet smell invades the room. And even sleeping... she is smiling.

Getting closer to the bed I let go of my crutches and set my left knee over the mattress to keep myself steady. Then I slowly take the blanket off her body and pause when I notice she is wearing the white lace set I told her to put on. She looks breathtaking, the white color perfect against her tan delicate skin.

Fucking hell, I should have made Rick leave sooner.

Reaching for my crutches once again I go to my wardrobe, take out one of my t-shirts and go back to her. Moving her up a bit, gently so I don't wake her, I put my shirt on her and then pick her up so I can open the bed. Once that's done I place her down and cover her with the comforter. Going to the other side I remove all my clothes except my boxers turn off the lamp and lie beside her.

"Carlos?" She asks softly looking for me with her hand in the darkness of the room.

"I'm here." I get closer, putting my arms around her.

"Sorry... I fell asleep." She says with a sleepy voice as she sets her head over my chest.

"It's okay, this is all I need," I whisper against her hair hugging her as tight as I can. "Go back to sleep now preciosa." (Gorgeous)

She nods slowly not being able to form any words anymore and I allow myself to close my eyes too, feeling the warmth of her body and the comfort of her presence. The pain in my legs gone now that she is between my arms and my brain finally able to shut off.

Author's note

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Author's note

As always if you are here ty for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!

Guys I love them sm it hurts. They are my babies I'm so proud of their relationship. (And to think i had no inspo for this book not long ago)

I want a man like Carlos to tell me everything he needs it's just me.

Also stuff is about to get messy obviously, opinions about Carlos going after his father? Do you think he actually left or that he will go for Carlos now that Matteo is down?

Ly all,

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