Trailer two

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zelda was stuck in another tree  "uuh guys!! I can't get down!!" she yelled from a high branch. Zomom jumps up, and she got out, yet surprisingly  "Guys. I'M STUCK!!!!!" Zomom yelled as rusty rose facepalmed "idiots.." She said,Unamused.


"Maybe if you stopped and thought for once Zcythe! We wouldn't be caught!" Zavok shows them in a holding cell by Ganon's Army."Hey you were selfish before! With trying to steal the power from our worlds! No wonder Zelda doesn't trust us!" Zycthe yelled back."do not worry.they are with me.sadly." Rusty said to the Army then changes to them beating guardians to pieces."We have to find the pieces so Terrako can send us home." Zik said offscreen.

'Written by Girl2thepower'

"Hey Zee, ever felt love For someone you know?" Zazz asked zeena as she shrugged not "that I rember,why?" zeena asked,it shows him falling for Zelda as his tail wagged.

The Legend of Zelda and Sonic

"Hey you have a cr on someone?If so,who is it? I promise I won't tell 'em!" Zelda asked zazz,curios. He held a letter for zelda "Uuuuuh...." Zelda looked confused and curiso at the same time.He then shoved into her face, and runs and jumps out the window."Eh?"zeda asked herself,confused on what the heck just happend.

'Premiers June 8th,2023 or later on wattpad.'

'Search the night'

"hang on your majesty." Millie said to herself,looking at a picture of her and zelda "were coming to rescue ya."

'What if I was wrong by never moving on'

"We're the Babylon Rogues. We don't beg. We don't give up. And we don't lose!" jet said as he clashed his two fans together.creating a wind storm,knocking a moblin army away from wave and storm.

the ledgend of zelda and sonic movie.Where stories live. Discover now