Take it back 🎒 Ellie/Dina (game)

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Song: TLOU OST - all gone (alone)

Imagine; you overhear Ellie telling Dina she's a burden and that sets you off.

Warnings; pregnancy, mentions of miscarriage, Ellie being kinda mean, reader going off on Ellie, fluff, angst, flashbacks.



Your body went stiff the second you overheard Ellie tell Dina that she is a burden now, all because Dina figured out she was pregnant all along.

You'd say Ellie is in much ways just like Joel, but with this? She's the exact opposite. Perhaps it helps that she isn't the actual parent of the baby and Joel was, but her reaction is in no way acceptable.

So you go after Ellie, you're hot on her heels, slamming those doors against the wall as you follow her. You manage to grab her arm and spin her around to face her.

'What the fuck did you just say to her?' Your gaze is cold and it clearly spooks Ellie a bit. 'That's what you say to her? After she found out you're immune, and she tells you she's pregnant you call her a burden?! Are you fucking insane?'

'What should I have told her then?'

'I don't know? We'll be okay? Something like that? You're her girlfriend for crying out loud! A few years back, when you were with me and Joel-'

'Don't you dare!'

'When you were with us, I would've never called you a burden... how would you have felt if I did huh? Besides, I was pregnant then too... Joel never called me or you a burden..'

'He didn't say it to your face..' she mutters and you recoil like you've been slapped. 'Excuse me? You better go talk to her Ellie or I swear to god-'

'I will! Jesus! I will okay?! Fine I was lashing out! I didn't mean it but fuck! What are we supposed to do? We haven't found Tommy yet and we can't leave him here! But Dina can't have the care she needs!'

'We will figure it out! But not like this!'

'I need to think.. I'm gonna go...'

She walks away, leaving you standing in the middle of the hallway, anger still surging through you.


'Hey kid...' you knock on the frame, catching Dina's attention. She looks up with tear streaks down her cheeks.

Her eyes red and bloodshot from the crying. It breaks your heart to see her this way, of course she never meant for this to happen, but when it does, you have to deal with it, not like Ellie does, but like you and Joel did.

'Hey..' she tries to cover up the tears but there is no use, she realises. You already saw it.

'Normally i was gonna ask if you were okay, but I know better than to ask you such a stupid question...'
She laughs a little, the sound barely reaching your ears.

You sit down next to her, putting an arm around her like a mother would, that's what you became to them, to Ellie and Dina.

'I'm sorry... I.. I didn't know I swear-'

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