Endure and survive 🎒 Joel/Ellie (show)

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Song: Crooked still - ecstasy (TLOU II soundtrack)

Imagine: you try to shield Ellie from the horrible things you and Joel have to do, and that you learned a long time ago not to question him.

Warnings: mentions of trauma and hearing problems, smidge of angst, fluff.

We start off with a little Drabble.



'I get that you two have been together for a long time... but how do you do blindly follow him?' Ellie asks.

Joel is out like a light next to the both of you. You know his hearing has gotten worse over the years, he probably will not even wake up if you shout right in his ear. Only logical for Ellie to ask it now, she has undoubtedly noticed.

'I was just like you... stubborn... I was a bit older when we first met, I was 16... I too thought I could take care of myself.. but if he hadn't been there.. I wouldn't be sitting here right now...you don't have to trust him.. but you can trust me when I tell you it's best to listen to what he says... he was there when it started... he lost a lot and had to survive for years... we were born into this...'

'Is that how you got the scar?' She asks as she looks at the mark on your face.

You nod. 'It would've been a lot worse if he hadn't been there...'

'I heard he did some bad things..'

'Don't we all? We do everything to survive, and sometimes it's not the prettiest way to do it... just like your comic... endure and survive..'

She hums as she lays down. 'Thank you, for trying to protect me today..'

'You're just a kid, you don't need to see and hear half of the Shit that happens...' you smile at her.

She's referring to this afternoon, Joel caught one of the guys that ambushed you three, he ordered you to go behind the wall again with Ellie.

You knew what was about to happen, so instead of letting her hear it, you pulled her close and covered her ears. Something you wished people would have done for you.

'Seriously... you're like a big sister...'

'That's.. a first... but thank you?' You reply making her chuckle slightly. 'Go to sleep El, I've got you...'

'You haven't slept in days, Y/n...'

'It's no trouble... besides there is no way to get the giant to wake up for it.. I'll be okay...'

She scoots closer to you in her little sleeping bag and lays her head down on your thighs. You smile down at her before running your hand over her head. She falls asleep in no time which makes you smile even more.

You don't mind keeping watch, you rarely sleep nowadays and it's like your body is getting used to it. It's all their fault, those stupid survivors.

You often think about what could've happened if it wasn't for Joel showing up. Especially now that Ellie brought it up again.

'I'm gonna make sure nothing like that ever happens to you..' you whisper down at Ellie, she doesn't hear it of course. She's already far away in dreamland.

'If one of those bastards even lays a finger on you, I will end them all...'

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