Chapter 17

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Seeing Red

"No signs of forced entry."

"Victim probably knew her assailant."

"Could have been a hotel employee who had a key who had access."

"M.E. estimates the time of death around midnight."

C.O.D. is blunt force trauma, consistent with the claw hammer."

"You're killing me." Athena said laying on the floor of the make-up crime scene. She was the victim with three police officers standing around her. "Tell me something I don't know." she said as the three of them looked at each other.

Guys, come on I'm not doing this for fun, I'm here to help you with this seminar. Okay, I'll give you a hint. Look at my body." she said as the three officers smirked, Athena rolled her eyes. "The position of my body."

"Right, sorry, got it, um Your hand appears to be extending outward." one officer said as she nodded her head.

"Good, good. Why is that significant?" she asked again as they shrugged. "Look at the blood smear. I've made a blood angel here. Why?"

"Well, at first blush, it looks like you're trying to reach your cell phone that fell under the lamp there, but the blood angel shows that your arm stopped, so you didn't get the phone. You didn't call 911." Danny spoke up as Athena closed her eyes trying to fight a smile. "You got any ideas?" he asked the three officers.

"The assailant's still in the room. She's afraid to call." one officer said.

"LV, what do you say?"

"I say he's close, and there's only one person in the world who would dare to call me LV." Athena said getting up from her position and turning around seeing Danny and Flack standing there, big smiles on their faces.

"Okay, guys, that's a 482. We'll pick up after lunch." Athena says as the officers nod before walking out of the makeshift room. Athena took off her wig, placing it on the bed before turning towards the guys. "All right, laugh all you want."

"What is this anyway?" Flack asked motioning around the room.

"This is training for the officers. The boss wanted the detectives to learn more so they asked me."

"As if you don't have enough work at the lab they have you doing this too?" Danny asked.

"Sure why not, it is my off day after all."

"Yeah usually on an off day you relax, not work some more." Flack said as Athena rolled her eyes.

"So what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" she asked as Danny smiled before handing her a file.

"New case just came in. Guy lost control of his car and ran right into a store, blood is all we got and trust me it's a good one." Danny said as Athena opened the file looking through the few papers. "Mac knows it's your day off and that you are here so he sends us to come get you."

"How nice of him." she said as Flack raised his eyebrows at Danny giving him a smirk in return.

"Well I am sure he would have loved to come get you himself with you two being a thing now but he has some work to do." Flack said as Athena closed the file giving Flack a look as Danny chuckled.

"Oh aren't you two funny now." she said, pushing the file into Danny's hands.

"Come on Athena we all knew it was going to happen, even if Jo did win on the bet."

"Wait, bet? You guys had a bet on me and Mac?"

"Oh yeah everyone was in." Danny said, looking towards Flack before turning his attention back to Athena who only gave him a deathly look. "Look all in the past, Jo won and we are all happy for the two of you."

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