Chapter 6

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I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.

"I'm fine." Athena said, pushing the medics hand away for what felt like the hundredth time. After the incident in her apartment, they all but shoved her out of the apartment and the medics took her to the back of the ambulance where they checked her over, even after she told them she was fine. They at least let her get dressed since the towel wasn't that much coverage. She looked towards the front door of the apartment where Mac just walked out heading right towards her. The medic tried to put a band aid on her forehead where a small cut was, but she shot him a death glare.

"I told you I was fine." She almost hissed but the medic ignored her and continued with his job. "Mac, please tell him I'm fine. It's just a small cut and I didn't break anything." she said after Mac stopped in front of her. He smiled looking towards the medic.

"She's fine just being stubborn. Only a few bruises but nothing seems broken." he said looking at Mac as Athena rolled her eyes.

"You can stop talking as if I'm not here." She sounded irritated as Mac nodded towards the medic, and he walked off. "So, find anything?"

"It looks like he came through the window. My team is busy searching your apartment for any evidence that might help us find him."

"And how long will that take?"

"A while."

"Of course! If my studio being closed wasn't enough now, I have to worry about my apartment!"

"Don't you have someone you can stay with for the time being?"

"No Mac, I don't. I could call Lily and ask for a favor, but I'd rather sleep in a hotel than put her in danger." she said looking down at her feet. "As if my life isn't complicated enough?" she mumbled but Mac heard every word. He let out a sign looking towards her building before looking back towards her.

"I might have to put you in protective service for the time being until we find this guy. You are his next target and I'd rather have you under protection than not at all."

"Thanks, but I can handle myself. I don't need a protection unit watching my every move."

"It's not a question." he said as Athena looked towards him with a frown on her face.

"Are you forcing me to take the protection? Because if you are, you clearly don't know me. I don't do well with people telling me what to do!"

"That I can see but I will not force you if you don't want it. I just think it's for the best."

"Well thanks but no thanks. I can handle myself. This time he won't surprise me." she said standing up before walking past Mac. Flack walked past her on his way, but she didn't even spare him a glance as she made her way to her car. Flack walked towards Mac who was still looking at her.

"She's one tough woman." Flack said as Mac nodded his head.

"Unlike anyone I have ever met. She's got a strong heart."

"Sure, does but she might be overconfident. This guy is clearly after her and he won't stop until she's dead."

"Which is why I need you to put a unit on her. Make sure she doesn't suspect a thing. I don't want her to know she can't trust us."

"Sure Mac." Flack said before walking towards one of his officers. Athena unlocked the doors and climbed into the car. She could still see Mac standing by the ambulance as she started the car and drove away.


Mac was sitting in his office with his phone to his ear, the chief of police on the other end of the call. He wants information about the artist killer who was still on the loose, it has been two days and still nothing. The team couldn't find any print or DNA on anything in Athena's apartment. They only found her own which means he wore gloves that night. This case was getting more difficult by the second. So far, the protection on Athena was working, she didn't expect a thing that she was being followed and the two officers reported every hour. She's staying with Lily for the time being and so far, the only places she has gone to is the coffee shop and a few supply stores along with her trip yesterday to the art museum.

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