(Ch.12) Where is Shu?

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After finding out that Shu is missing, you waste no time and pack your bags to find him.

"Where are you going (Y/N)?" Kris entered the room

"Kris! Uhmm... Just taking a break since the European League is happening soon I figured that I should at least take some time to relax" You hurriedly said while packing your things.

"Oh really? Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a break but are you really leaving so soon? Can't it wait tomorrow?" Kris asked while looking at you by the door

"Sorry Kris but I have to leave now my flight will take off later so I have to go now" You said after finishing packing and walking towards the door.

"Well take care" Kris smiled which made you stop and turned to her

"Don't worry Kris, I'll be back before the European League start" You put your hand on her shoulder and smiled

"I know, now go before you get late" Kris pushed you off the door.

"Ok ok... Bye Kris! Tell the others I'll be back before they know it" You waved your hand then walked out.

And Kris went to the Kitchen to celebrate their participation in the European League and then after, Valt received a call from Wakiya.


" ....A burst finish! Shu Kurenai lives up to his reputation"
You are currently in your private plane watching Shu's last battle before he disappeared.

After gathering some information through your connections and tracking his whereabouts, you got an info that he might be in Mexico.

"There's no way he would join the Snake Pit" Apparently you also received a tip that Shu might've joined a secret organization called the 'Snake Pit' where bladers go on intense training and practice to become the best bladers there is.

"But he's already strong what more could he want?" You were confused as to why he would just disappear.

"Whatever it is I'll find out"


Wakiya along with Valt, Daigo and Hancho were also looking for Shu. They took off immediately after finding out that he was missing just like you.

"But shouldn't we tell (Y/N) about this?"  Hancho asked

"Your right... But-" Valt got cut off by Wakiya

"But we shouldn't! If Valt was all over the place after knowing Shu is gone who knows how (Y/N) will react to this" Wakiya pointed out

"You don't know that! But then again..." Honcho paused

"It's a possibility, she might have a break down so it's better if we don't tell her" Wakiya continued

"So we should find Shu before she finds out!" Valt said making a fist.


"Mexico here I come!!"


"It's so hot" You arrived in Mexico and was welcome by it's hot weather.

"I think I might melt right here" You said while taking out a fan and an umbrella then started walking.

"Since I know the location of this Snake Pit, I'll just start tomorrow I don't think I'm ready for this heat" While walking you saw someone jumping on a trampoline and making cool poses mid air and you also noticed his pet parrot.

"Isn't he Cuza Ackerman from that Germany Team... Wow I guess he's traveling, and he's quite popular here too" You said before walking away.

Cuza saw you in the distance" Is that (Y/N) (L/N)?" He rubbed his eyes and looked again "She's gone! Maybe I'm just seeing things"

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