(Ch.7) How It Began Pt.1

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When you were 7 years old you got a call from the company of Raging Bulls. They said that since you were the only child of your parents they thought that it's better to show you around your parents company so you'll have knowledge of what kind of company your parents own when you grow up.

"We will be leaving tommorow so please prepare all your things" The staff said as he turns off his phone and looked at you, reading some books in you room. You nodded as response to his words.

"It's also a good opportunity for you to make friends since The Raging Bulls are full of young bladers" The staff added.

Since your parents passed away you didn't left your estate. So you didn't have any chance making other friends because you locked yourself in and only focused in studying your parents business while also being homeschooled.

Among all the companies your parents own, you were most interested in The Raging Bulls since you did dream of becoming a blader someday but you gave up on that because there were no reason for you to become a blader since you left Japan along with the promise with your first friend 'Shu'. And you just wanted to see others blade.

After the staff left, you close your book and took something from your drawer. It was the drawing of your dream beyblade, it was the only thing that reminds you of your good times with Shu as he was your only friend.


The next morning, after you got ready you finally arrived at the airport.

"Our flight should be boarding any minute now" the staff said as you struggle to keep up with them.

"There seem to be more people here than usual, it's better if you stick close to me so you wouldn't get separated" The staff said as he looks at his phone and boards the plane not noticing that you weren't with him.

You were separated from him but once you saw a guy in a suit board the plane you quickly followed him inside as the staff you came with wore a black suit and had glasses . After you got in you looked for your seat and prepared for take off.


Finally the plane landed and everyone got off including you. And then you look for the staff who came with you.

When you saw the guy that you followed earlier you quickly walk to him and before you reach him you realize that it was a different guy. This made you confused and started looking for him.

You've been looking for almost 20 minutes and couldn't find him so you took a rest and started to think of what to do.

You were planning on calling on them but you realized that you don't have their number. Then an old man came to you.

"What's a young girl like you sitting here all alone?" The old man asked which you didn't answer as he was a stranger to you so you avoided eye contact to the old man.

"No need to be scared, I just notice that you've been looking around. Your not lost, are you?" The old man asked you.

You took a glance at the man and thought that he was no danger so you spoke up.

"Uhmm... I'm not lost" you quietly said still not making eye contact.

"Oh then what is it?"

"I just can't find the person I came with.." you quietly answered him while looking down.

"Do you need help?" The man asked. And since he offered you help, you decided to accept it.

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