Chapter 7

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Sisu infiltrated Fang, put one foot in front of the other as she walked down the hallway with determination-

And then she stopped, catching her reflection in the mirror.

She looked at her face - she didn't get out with mirrors much these days - you know, it did look kind of funny to be honest, that snout, and how it... but hey, there was also something strangely appealing about it if she did say so herself. Maybe that's what they called attractive in some regions.

Then she turned around and looked at her booty. It really was quite a nice booty actually. She had to admit she could definitely see the Universe's appeal in having her lay eggs.

She turned around and made a face as if she was laying an egg. Yep, that was it, her face, alongside her booty, she could definitely why the Universe had set her up to lay so many eggs, if she didn't know any better, she'd say that was as comical of an image as any.

Well, the Universe may get a kick out of it, but Sisu could tell you, those things hurt.

But wow, she really did have a nice booty, she decided, checking it out again - totally top ten.

"You go girl," she told herself.

The guard who was escorting her just looked at her, "You're coming aren't you?"

"Oh, yeah," said Sisu, getting herself back together, feeling totally self-conscious, "I was just talking to this dragon over here," she gestured with a thumb to the mirror, "like 'who's that?' Am I right?" She looked at the guard, "I'm trying to bluff here, you can tell I'm trying to bluff can't you?"

"Come along," the guard just said, turning to lead her down the hallway.

"Right," said Sisu following after, not sure that cleared away her self-consciousness any.

(But she had to admit, some guy was going to be a lucky dragon. Not that that helped her at all knowing what that meant. Take it from her, the things dragons found attractive were embarrassing. She really needed to stop thinking about this stuff.)

As it turned out, Infiltrating Fang was much more manageable when you were friends with the guards decide as they continued down the hallway.

The guard led Sisu into a wide room, and there Sisu stepped forward to confront Namaari...

And took out a present to offer her something nice.

"Hey, want to give me some advice? Look I got something for you."

Sisu unwrapped the present showing Namaari the nicely crafted cat ornament she had picked up in the Talon marketplace using credit. At first, Sisu considered gifting Namaari one of her eggs, but after much consideration, she had decided those were her babies, and she needed to discover their purpose herself. Afterall, the reason she had come here was to get some ideas about what she should do with them, that didn't mean she was actually going to give them away.

"Yeah, what is it you need?" Namaari asked, taking the gift carefully.

"I have been through pain you would not believe," Sisu responded, "I've been laying eggs like crazy these past few days and - and you don't even want to know about how that works with dragon anatomy."

"I can't imagine it'd be much different than the anatomy of any other species." Namaari reflected, still examining her new ornament.

"I know, embarrassing, right?" Sisu replied, "But anyway, I was wondering if you had any ideas what to do with them, because holding on to them is kind of awkward and all if you know what I mean."

Namaari put the ornament down and looked up thoughtfully, "If you're not going to use them, you could perhaps donate them to charity."

"For what?" Sisu asked in surprise, "What could they do with them that I couldn't," then her eyes went wide. "Oh no, you ain't eating my babies," said Sisu, covering the eggs protectively with her body, before realizing "babies" probably wasn't even the right term, "or stuff. Hey, what is an egg if it's not a baby?" Pause. "You know, don't answer that, I don't want to know, considering where it comes from... Wow, we actually eat these things?"

Namaari looked thoughtful for a moment, "I do apologize, I am probably not the best one to ask when it come to eggs, but I'm sure whatever you do choose to do, you'll come up with the right thing."

"I mean of course, it's not like you'd know what to do with an egg, it's not like you've ever laid one before," she looked at Namaari hesitating, "I mean you haven't, have you?" Awkward pause. "Well anyway, nice seeing you, but I gotta skedaddle again. Bye."

And with that, Sisu jumped out the window and took off into the rainy air. It had been nice to talk to Namaari, but as the eggs jostled along in their sling, she couldn't help but think about how she still had no idea what to do with her eggs.

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