Chapter 3

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"So why are we here?" Raya asked as Sisu landed on the docks off Talon's Port City.

"I wanted to check out the markets, see if I could find any inspiration on what to do with my egg." Sisu replied as Raya climbed off her back.

"Okay," Raya replied, "The world has opened up to dragons again since the defeat of the Druun, but Talon is still a crime ridden port."

"I'll keep that in mind," Sisu said before wandering off and getting distracted by all the cool trinkets and knick-knacks the city had to offer. Raya sighed as she turned around to follow her. She didn't think she'd loose a big blue dragon in the crowd, but she didn't want to take the chance, and there was always the possibility she wasn't the only dragon here. Best to stay close.

Sisu carried her egg in her arms, a blanket draped over it, in hopes that no one would ask what it was.

As they traveled through the market, they found many interesting items on the market, but as they went from stall to stall, Sisu found not a hint of inspiration on what to do with her egg.

"Hey," a kid suddenly asked her, "Is that an egg?" Sisu startled and realized a bit of the blanket had slipped, revealing what was hidden underneath.

"Oh no, this is a..." Sisu tried to re-cover the egg with the blanket, but her talons fumbled, and the blanket slipped entirely from the egg, and fell to the docks. Suddenly, all eyes turned to her, everybody watching her and her egg in curiosity.

"Is that your egg?" another guys asked.

Sisu looked at everybody. What was everybody's fascination with her egg?

"Oh no," Sisu replied, "this isn't my egg. Because if it was, that'd mean I'd have had to lay it, and that would be embarrassing." Sisu let out a nervous laugh "No, I, uh, found it. Yeah, I found it."

"You found it?" Another person asked, "Where did you find it?"

"I, uh..." Sisu tried to find words, "It came from Tail. Actually, Talon. It came from somewhere between Tail and Talon..."

Sisu stopped herself, suddenly realizing that sounded more true than she'd ever wanted it to. Everybody was looking at her in shock, Raya honestly didn't know how to help here. At least she didn't accidentally use one of her new "nicknames" for Tail.

"Actually it came from Heart. My Heart. It came from my Heart and that's all that matters."

Sisu quickly swiped up the blanket, and made it out of there before anybody could ask any more questions.

Sisu continued to look around at stalls, she began to feel discouraged. She did stumble upon an old chef who was frying eggs though. Sisu cringed.

"Hey, is that an egg you got there?" The chef asked.

The blanket slipped again. It really wasn't doing the trick.

"Never served dragon egg before." The Chef continued, "Here, if you let me take that egg off your hands, I'll pay you handsomely, how about I put it on Credit."

"Uh, no thank you," Sisu replied, "I've had my fair share of experiences with credit. Besides, you're not cooking my egg. Not my baby."

The Chef looked at her, surprised by her voice. "You're a girl dragon. Never heard any stories about any girl dragons before."

"Of course I'm a girl dragon," Sisu replied, "This whole story wouldn't exist at all if there were no stories about girl dragons."

As they left that stall, Sisu looked at Raya. "People here, a friendly lot, aren't they?"

Raya snorted, "Never heard any stories of girl dragons? Where has that guy been... The entire history of Kumandra?"

They looked at a few more stands, but Sisu had had something coming on for a while, and it was starting to get urgent.

"Hey, uh, Raya," She finally said, "You know that thing that humans sometimes have to do called... pee? Well, dragons have something like that too."

Raya looked at Sisu, "I'm sure they have a stall or something nearby."

"Uh, cool. Thanks for understanding." With that, Sisu made for it, searching for a proper bathroom. It was starting to get bad, she could only wait a few more minutes.

Fortunately, she found a stall not far away, and rushed to it. She opened the door and froze in her tracks. The shrimpy seat, the closed in walls... No way was a dragon fitting in there.

Sisu really could have used Pranee's power right about now.

Sisu looked around uncomfortably, she was already dancing on her feet. She let the door close and started pacing around.

If she could make it to the edge of the port, she could either make it to the forest, or far into the water. The thought of moving at all at this point made her uncomfortable, but if she could hurry...

But it was already too late.

And once again, everybody's eyes turned toward her. There was nothing she could do.

When it was over, she stepped away from the puddle and looked at everyone.

"Water dragons, am I right?"

And with that, she was out of there.

She quickly found Raya in the crowd and pulled her away from what she was doing.

"Sisu? Is everything all right?"

"Uh yeah..." Sisu answered, "We really should get going. I uh, kind of didn't make it."

So Sisu and Raya left the city the same way they had come.

As they hopped their way away through the sky, Sisu suddenly felt a sharp cramp in her stomach. She gasped.

"Sisu, are you okay?" Raya asked.

"Yeah," Sisu replied, "Let's find somewhere to rest for the night."

Sisu came in for a landing in the moonlit forest.

As Raya laid down to sleep, Sisu propped herself against a rock. She felt her belly and could feel the presence of another egg forming.

She sighed. She hadn't even discovered what to do with her first egg, and already she had a second one on the way.

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