Chapter 6

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Sisu could feel she had almost caught up with Namaari when she felt another extremely painful twinge in her stomach. She gasped, instantly loosing concentration on the platform of water she had created under her feet and slipped on it, falling through on her side as it disintegrated under her.

Sisu barely had time to make another platform of rain, catching herself mid-fall before another contraction hit her. She stumbled to the ground, hard but safely, turning to her stomach incredulously. "You have got to be kidding me. Again!?"

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Sisu earlier, she had really been with twin eggs, the second one had just been taking its time after the first for her to lay it.

Suddenly, the contractions picked up, becoming absolutely unbearable, Sisu gave a guttural cry.

By Kumandra, these things hurt! This one had to be the worst one yet! As she once again began to bear through the labor, Sisu groaned horribly, she could totally feel the angst of it.

And unlike the other eggs, this one wasn't quick, it was like it refused to come. The contractions kept coming, slamming her innards again and again, one after the other; Sisu let out another agonized moan. Yep, this wasn't stopping anytime soon.

As the Sun went down, Sisu continued to moan and groan into the night; She'd never be able to catch up to Namaari now. Pretty inconvenient all this egg laying stuff, Sisu observed to herself excruciatingly. It was in all this pain Sisu decided that femininity was ridiculous. And right now, she did not care who knew. If her femininity was going to keep humiliating her like this, then by golly she was going to have some fun with it.

So, as the pain continued to pummel her innards, she shouted all the embarrassing feminine facts she knew. She made quite a racket that night.

And while she was screaming all this, it just so happened that another dragon was passing by, walking through the forest. Male.

These were not some facts he was ready for to say the least.

But still, he was very curious by it all, so he decided he might as well approach. Besides, she sounded like she was in pain.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he stepped up, concerned.

"Oh, just laying an egg," Sisu said brightly before having another contraction, "OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He felt a little awkward, he knew some dragons laid eggs, but he'd lived under a rock his whole life (actually, he'd been a rock for the past 500 years to be exact) so he really had no idea how it was done, and he'd always been too afraid to ask. But now was as good a time as any, right.

"So, uh, how exactly do you lay eggs again?"

Contractions! Sisu screamed, "My v*****!" Yeah, sure, she could go with that answer.

The newcomers eyes went wide, "And all dragons lay like this?"

"Oh, absolutely," Sisu answered cheerily before bursting out into more horrific screaming.

His face turned red. Sure explained why he hadn't had any eggs lately though.

Seeing his expression, Sisu actually felt the amusement in this, in a sort of self-deprecating way. Despite the mortal agony, this was actually kinda fun.

Then, approximately 5 million contractions hit her at once (rough estimate), and she wailed loudly, deciding this wasn't very fun anymore.

"Uh, should I sit here and wait, or should I just..." he would feel bad about leaving her alone in such a state...

"Oh, by all means, stand by, I have a feeling this is going to be quite a performance," Sisu observed.

"That's not exactly what I-"

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