Chapter 2

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When Sisu returned to her home in the new extension of the Temple at Heart, she snuck to her room, careful not to run into any of her siblings.

Scrambling into her room, she found a nice niche on a shelf to prop the egg, so inconspicuous, nobody would notice it.

At that instant, Pranee and Amba appeared at her door.

"Hey, Sisu, you're back," Pranee said, "We were getting worried."

"What's that?" Amba asked, looking directly at the egg.

Sisu instantly threw herself over the egg, covering it with her arms and body, "What's what? I don't see anything here. Why would you think this is anything?"

"Is that a..." Pranee began, "Is that an egg!"

Pranee and Amba started squealing in excitement.

In moments, Pengu and Jagan were there to see what all the fuss was about.

"What is it?" Asked Jagan, "What happened."

"Our little sister," Pranee announced, "Laid her first egg!"

"Your first egg?" Pengu asked, "Congratulations, I'm so proud for you."

Now Sisu just wanted to crawl in a hole and never be seen again. "Oh, is that was this is?" Sisu asked trying to act cool, "I wondered where it came from." There was a reason I went to Raya. You guys are so embarrassing!

"No need to be embarrassed," Amba told her, "Dragons lay them all the time."

"All the time?" Sisu gulped, "you don't mean we lay one and never talk about it again, and totally forget the whole thing happened?" Sisu looked at her sisters, nodding hopefully.

"Oh, I'd say I have an egg every one or two months," Pranee said.

"I may have five or six a month and go a year or two without any more," Amba said.

Great, this was really a club Sisu wanted to be a part of.

"The goal is finding something worthwhile to do with them." Pranee said.

"Finding something worthwhile?" Sisu asked, "It's not like there's anything inside them. They're completely worthless."

"No they're not," Amba said.

"Like with a Dragon Gem, eggs can have special power of their own," Pengu told her, "Not as much, granted, but it still carries on the power that you pass down to it."

"Uh, yeah," Sisu said, "I haven't found any of my unique powers yet."

"You don't need to to make something special out of them," Pranee told her, "I often paint my eggs, creating some really beautiful art." She paused, "Sadly, they don't sit well for five-hundred years." She wrinkled her nose.

"I often use my energy to light them up inside, creating a lamp so I can see my room at night," Amba told her.

"With my eggs," Jagan began "I would-"

"You don't have any eggs," Pranee looked at him.

Jagan shrugged, "It was just an idea."

"Well thank you for the interesting conversation," Sisu said, scooting them out of the room, "But I think I'm going to sit on the whole thing for awhile."

"You don't need to sit on it," Pranee said, "Nothing's inside it."

"Oh, I meant, never mind," Sisu said, "We'll talk later."

And Sisu closed the door on them.

Hopefully we never talk about this ever again, Sisu thought.

But then Sisu looked at the egg on the shelf and sighed. What was she going to do with it? Just let it sit there and rot?

Sisu felt her belly. She really hoped another one wouldn't be on its way any time soon, having one was uncomfortable enough, she was not ready to go through that again.

As Sisu looked at the egg, a wave of sadness passed through her. She knew nothing in the egg was alive, but she could still feel the motherly instincts taking over, a sort of affection for her egg.

She stepped over to the shelf and rested her chin on it so she could examine the egg closely. She knew it was an empty egg, but she just had to make something of it. Somehow her baby was going to make her proud.

Sisu Lays and EggTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang