"Well Mikey said you've not been yourself the last two weeks so he flew me over here to see you."

"I missed you." I held onto him tightly, my head falling to rest in the crook of his neck. I honestly felt like if I let go he would just disappear as though he were a figment of my imagination. "I missed you so fucking much."

"Hey it's only been three weeks." He chuckled as I pulled away tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"I don't care, I've missed you." I kissed him roughly feeling him smile into the kiss before he pulled away for breath.

"And I've missed you to. Let's go finish watching the show." He set me down onto my feet and I grabbed his hand, interlacing our fingers as I retook my place at the side of the stage not able to stop smiling. It was actually starting to hurt. Mikey, Cal and Ash all looked over at one point or another and smiled at me but Luke never once looked over at us.

They played the final song of the night saying goodbye to the crowd before running off the stage and engulfing me in a tight, bone-crushing group hug, well everyone but Luke who stood awkwardly to the side. "Who's this?" He asked pointing rudely at Blake and I rolled my eyes at him.

"This is Blake, you should know who he is." I thought after all of the stuff posted on twitter Luke would have known who he was by now.

"Ah yeah this is the bastard that stole my girlfriend." He spat and I subconsciously squeezed Blake's hand tighter only realising when he squeezed mine back. I didn't want to get myself worked up over this but even trying to control my breathing wasn't working.

It always works.

Why isn't it working?

"You pushed her away by yourself." I spat at him feeling my anger bubbling inside of me. My moods have been so weird lately and I don't know why but its really starting to piss me off.

"No I might of actually had a chance of winning you back if this prick had of just stayed out of it." He poked Blake's chest and I could already tell what was going to happen. I really didn't want this to turn physical.

"You really don't want to go there with me mate," Blake warned and Luke just glared at him. In a fight Blake was definitely guaranteed to win.

"Yeah and what the fuck are you going to do about it if I do?" Luke challenged. "You've already took Kenzie away from me, what's the worst you can do to me now?"

"Luke he did not take me away from you, how many times do I have to tell you that you did that yourself." I groaned. "Come on Blake lets just go," I pulled on his hand and he walked beside me wrapping his arm protectively around my waist as I led us back to the dressing room. It was calm and peaceful for all of ten minutes before the boys walked in and Luke was ready for another go at Blake, except this time he used me as a weapon. "So Kenzie, Blake's a marine isn't he?" Luke smirked at me and I knew where he was going with this.

"Yeah he is." I gritted out trying to stay as calm as possible. 

"What are you going to do when you have to bury him, you going to come running back to me then?" He taunted and I tried not to let him get to me as tears threatened to spill from the corners of my eyes but I would not show him any sign of weakness. I blinked them back, mentally scolding myself before forgetting the hurt and trying to concentrate on my anger, channelling it directly at Luke.

"I'll be burying you before I bury him." I gritted out clenching my hands into fists by my side but he wasn't just going to leave it there.

"When he's got two nine millimetre rounds in his chest and he's taking his last breath what you going to do then?" He was using me as a weapon so Blake would hit him. I knew exactly what he was doing but there was nothing I could do to stop it as my anger began to bubble over inside of me.

"Shut up." I shouted at him and everyone in the room turned to look at me Blake now stood up to face Luke who was smiling, this was exactly what he wanted the whole time. I couldn't let him win. "Blake sit down please, he's not worth it." I begged tugging on his hand and he retook his seat placing a hand on my knee.

"You weren't saying that the other week when I was the one lying in bed with you, holding you close to me. I could treat you ten times better than he ever could. He's only going to hurt you." That was the last straw as Blake stood to his feet pushing him harshly into a wall. He wouldn't hit him unless Luke made the first move but he wouldn't let him talk to him the way he did just there and I couldn't blame him. Next thing I knew Luke's hand was connected with Blake's jaw. He then punched Blake in the stomach before he reacted and hit him back. "Stop it" my voice came out weak as I tried to get them to stop but they were too busy punching into each other to listen to me. "Stop it." I shouted, louder this time as a single tear rolled down my cheek before I blinked them back again, I couldn't deal with this. I threw myself in the middle of them both so the next punch would hit me meaning neither of them dared to move a muscle. Blake would kill Luke if he hit me and Michael would kill Blake, I couldn't be bothered with hiding the dead body of whoever it was. "Stop it.' I breathed out and they both took a step away from each other Luke walking over to Calum and Ashton while Blake sat next to Mikey.

"I'm sorry baby," Blake whispered in my ear and I walked away from them both to sit back down next to Michael who was now glaring at both boys seeing how upset I had allowed myself to get. I wasn't mad at Blake, I was mad at Luke and thanks to my moods lately that meant I was being mad with everyone.

I put my headphones in and pulled my knees into my chest resting my head on them as I began falling asleep. That's the problem, I'm just tired. I woke up when I felt my body picked up off the couch but when I smelt Blake's cologne I felt safe in his arms and just went straight back to sleep only awakening when I was placed into my hotel room bed. I was thankful I now had my own room as Blake climbed in next to me. "I'm sorry for being so moody today, I just haven't been feeling myself." I mumbled out an apology as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest.

"Don't worry baby, I understand. Just go to sleep." He gently played with the ends of my hair as I fell back to sleep.

Sorry this is so short, I'm going to be in a sling for the next few days which is making everything ten times harder than usual and I'm struggling to type properly so sorry for any mistakes. I'll make the next update better, I promise. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think. Love all you guys.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now