I think Darren was somebody I was genuinely close to here, and I wasn't just doing it to be polite.

"Wassup bro." I smiled as I walked over, meeting him for a handshake.

"where you been, everybody was looking for you." He questioned as I took a stance on the wall next to him.

"Got caught up at home." I answered truthfully again.

"They need to turn off this sad shit, I wanna dance." I spoke.

"Yeah no doubt they—"

"Yamir, Where you been bestfriend!" A voice cut Darren off.

"Oh my god, Kira carry yo bird ass." He sighed.

"Bitch ain't nobody talking to you I was talking to Yamir." She spat back, mugging him dramatically.

"anywaysssss," she drug out dramatically again, "when we gonna go on our date bestie." She smiled in my direction, playfully tugging at the chain on my neck.

She in fact was not my best friend, again I just didn't know how to get her to stop without being rude..


"Bitch if you don't leave him alone." Darren interrupted.

"Who you calling a bitch!?" She argued.

"You bitch!" He shot back.

I took that opportunity to walk away and continued exploring the party.

The two of them would argue for days and days, and I for one was not trying to sit and listen to that.

"Oh shit 'chall it's the black Tom Brady." Someone spoke, causing laughs to erupt.

I turned around to see a guy named Damonte. I swear this nigga had a joke everytime I saw him. He never crossed a line because I had no problem speaking up for myself, I guess after a while I just got tired of fake laughing.

"My nigga you was too cold at that game Thursday, had that whole crowd jumpin." He nodded, extending his hand for me to shake.

" 'preciate it." I nodded as I shook his hand.

"You tryna hit?" He questioned, motioning to the blunt in his hand.

"I'm good." I waved off.

"You still don't smoke?" One of his friends asked.

I'm surprised the nigga could even see me with how low and red as his eyes were.

"Nah" I shook my head, "Y'all have a good time though." I told them, dapping each of them up before continuing on my way.

Finally, they changed the music to something faster, some rap.

Soon as I heard the first beat to one of my favorite songs I headed to the dance floor.

Moment I joined in to the dancing with everybody else there was a circle that formed around me of people hyping me up.

It was fun, I really did like attention, just not the annoying kind. This was good attention, football games were good attention, being the star player was good attention.

I don't want to be a narcissist so I always remained humble, I just think the attention helps me ignore some insecurities if that makes sense.

The rest of the party was honestly fun as shit, I stayed away from the weed and alcohol because I'd have to drive home—nevertheless I still had fun.

Once I arrived home I parked my car and walked in. I'm sure everyone was asleep right now, it was pretty late at night.
Course my dad was probably still out, but he was always out late for work so I'm not surprised.

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