Most compatible: Taurus and Pisces.

The feeling of my heart catching in my chest was a foreign, new sensation I wasn't used to, and I didn't understand it. Nervous for some reason, I started reading the paragraph below, all about how well our star signs worked together. My brain was suddenly clouded, my mind spinning with a thousand different questions. One thought I couldn't shake was; Did she write that on purpose? If she'd looked into it, she had to have seen this too. It was the top link when I searched for it, after all.

I wasn't sure why the thought followed me for the whole day. It distracted me, even from the mini party Gary had set up for me, which was really just a sleepover with Brock, Misty and Dawn that his mom had set up, complete with a shocking number of snacks. I lay awake in the sleeping bag on the floor long after everyone else fell asleep, Gary snoring loudly on the bed. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The next day, I sat at my desk again, the laptop discarded on the bed. I stared down at the blank paper in front of me, chewing on the end of my pen. I wanted to ask her if she'd seen the article, but that would show that I had. I also didn't want to admit that I'd searched it again this morning, and found that all of the other sites listed us highly, if not top, too. It didn't matter, I told myself. I wasn't sure why I was even hung up on it.

Dear Red,

I had a sleepover at Gary's. It was alright, but his taste in movies sucks, and Dawn kept stealing all of the snacks. I told him that we should watch something other than Avatar, but he's an idiot. Being fourteen doesn't really feel any different from being thirteen, does it?

I'd love to meet you one day. When do you think we could? Don't worry about all that. I'm 100% certain I'll still like you. Even if we never met, I'd keep writing to you though. We're friends, after all.

As for Chloe- I know this sounds stupid, and I don't really know a lot about this sort of stuff, but do you think she maybe has a crush on you? Dawn told me that's what Barry was like with her when he had a crush on her. I wouldn't push her though. Instead of asking her again why don't you tell her that it's okay for her to tell you anything? Then maybe she'll tell you herself.

I looked into the star sign stuff. I don't understand all of it (wtf is a moon and rising sign?) but it was interesting. According to this site, I need to find myself a water sign.


I posted the letter that morning. The second it left my hand, a strange sort of panic ensued. I suddenly worried that the last line might be considered flirting. I'd never flirted with anyone before, and I didn't want it to come across that way, especially not to Red, who I valued too much to scare off with poor attempts at it. It poured with rain as I walked back to the house that morning, and as my drenched hair clung to my skin I tipped my head back and sighed into the sky, wondering what was wrong with me.

It rained for three days straight. It felt like it was matching my mood, because I was low energy suddenly, and wasn't sure why. The energy only returned a little when I woke up and went downstairs to check for the letter from Red. I ran out into the rain, holding my arm over my head like that would stop me from getting wet, to retrieve it. I took it upstairs, my hands trembling a little as I pulled the envelope open.

Dear Blue,

I think your advice worked! I told Chloe that she could tell me anything and she seemed really grateful. We've not been very open with each other but now she seems to be coming back to me, bit by bit. I think she'll probably tell me what's bothering her soon. It's definitely not a crush on me, though. Trust me.

Honestly, Blue, if we were to meet, I think it should be when we're done with university, or whatever we do after high school. I think that would be the best time to meet. By then we'll be able to make our own decisions anyway and won't have to ask our parents. I know it seems like a long time but I'll still be here if you are.

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