Wake Before The Burials

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The blaring of my alarm pulled me out of my deep slumber.  I groaned lightly as I tried to get rid of the loud sound. I threw a spare pillow over it to muffle the noise and  hoping to ignore it a little longer.

I opened my eyes when the annoying sound finally stopped.  It was bright, there was sunlight shining through the windows, making me squint.

My whole body ached for some reason as I tried sitting up slowly and wincing in pain. I grabbed my phone which was charging nearby.

The screen lit up and I saw the time. 'I overslept?' I wondered. Usually Lorraine would wake me up along with my alarm, but she didn't do it today.  'Perhaps she wanted to let me rest for a bit longer.'  That thought comforted me.

With a tired sigh, I dragged myself out of bed and trudged to the bathroom for a nice hot bath. After I finished, I dressed in comfortable clothes and  combed my hair in my usual way before heading downstairs. The manor felt unusually empty, even though most of the staff was here doing their work.

My butler, Akemi noticed my presence and gave me a nod in acknowledgment, "Good morning, [name]-sama." He greeted me as I walked passed him.

"Morning."I murmured. As per our our own I continued walking towards the kitchen, I saw that a plate of food already prepared for me.

It looks delicious but I don't think I'll eat breakfast today, I'll just drink some green tea, besides I still need to get my work done. "Akemi, can you get Lorraine for  me?" I requested.

He nodded and left me alone. I made myself a cup of tea before going to my father's old home office. He use to spend most of his time in here when I was a child. I opened the door and stepped inside the room.

I remember mother wouldn't let me near this room, then the one time I had entered put of curiosity to see what he did in there she scolded me.

She always use to say that he would have terrible mood swings and get violent at times, but I don't think I've ever seen or heard him like that.

As far as I can remember father was always cold and apathetic to me and mother. He never once smiled, unlike mother who couldn't stop smiling. 

Then again I guess everyone has secrets and some people don't like others knowing what they're hiding.

I sat down behind his desk and booted up his desktop and got to work.

About 20 minutes later Lorraine came into the room. "There you are . I was wondering where you disappeared too." She said coming over to me.

"Ah, sorry, I overslept."  I explained taking a sip of my tea.
She nodded.

"I know, you were exhausted last night so I left you to sleep in for a bit." Her expression softened.

"You didn't eat anything, did you?" She questioned.
I shook my head.

"No." I answered.

She then stood next to me. "How about we have lunch together?" She suggested.

"Maybe, I don't really feel like eating right now." I told her.

Her mouth twitched and she placed her hand on my shoulder. "Alright, but we should get some funeral preparations done today. I already got them here, you just need to confirm them if it's okay."  Lorraine insisted handing me a binder.

I reluctantly agreed, taking I took another sip of my tea and flipping through the binder. Everything seemed to be good, "It's alright." I replied closing the binder. 

"Are you sure?" She inquired. I nodded.

"Yes." I assured her.

"Would you like to go out today? Maybe get some flowers, take a walk?" She suggested.

"Fine, as long as it isn't somewhere crowded." I agreed.

"Great, I'll have Amane-kun take you out." she smiled and called Amane while leaving. Once again I'm left alone,  sitting at his old desk staring aimlessly into the air.

It feels like this room gets colder the longer I'm here. 'Amane-san is probably waiting for me.' I thought getting up and quickly leaving the office.

"Amane-san could you stop the car i'll get out here." I asked massaging my temples. Everythin is so bright. Amane stopped the car to let me get out. 

I looked up to see that I had gotten out in front of a flower shop. 'Might as well buy some flowers.'

The bell rang indicating that a costumer had entered the shop. A pretty woman wearing a brown apron came out from a door behind the counter to greet me.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" she gave me a professional smile. "Ah, I was actually wondering, do you do custom bouquets?" I asked looking through the flowers that were on display.

"Yes we do, what types of flowers would you like?" She asked taking out a note pad from the apron's pocket. 

"I would like 10 lilies, 8 bachelor buttons and 16 [fav flower], and could you tie them with a black ribbon please." I asked looking at her.

"Ok, i'll be in the back getting the bouquet ready. It should take five minutes the most. Hiromi can you ring this young man up please." She then left to the back.

The man behind the counter whose name is Hiromi held a slight glare in my direction, until the woman talked to him. He looks familiar.

I walked over to the cash register, where the muscular man with a weird orange hair style was at.


 He typed the numbers in the register, "Your total will be 160 dollars sir, cash or card?" [Just convert that to yen], He said.

I pulled out my wallet and swiped my credit card. "No, I do think we have met before, I never forget a face, Shadow.", He looked as if I caught him with his hand stuck in a cookie jar.

"HOW'D YOU FIND OU-" I cut him off, "Now Shadow you wouldn't want lovely lady back there to hear you treating paying costumers like this, now would you?" I say tilting my head to the right a mischievous grin stretched across my face.

"How did you find out that i'm shadow brat?!" he whisper shouted. 'Brat?! Me?!'

"That question answers itself."

"I've never seen you at S before so how do you even know who I am?"

"Do you keep tabs on every single person at S? Yeah that's what I thought."

"By the way you should really work on you skating, it's such a shame that the anti-hero of S got beaten by a highschooler." Looks like i'm riling him up.

"Oh and you think you could do better, I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BEEF!" his voice gets louder

"I'm not sure if you're on my level, but if it's a beef you want it's a beef you'll get." 

"Don't get so cocky now-" "Here you are sir." The woman cut him off when she came from the back. 

She handed me the bouquet, it was stunning. The way she set up the flowers and the wrapping paper around it along with the small black bow was breath taking. 

"Thank you Ma'am, It looks stunning. I might have more business with you in the future." I got my receipt and walked out of the flower shop "Come again!" the woman yelled.

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