I look over to my husband, he barely acknowledges her though. Flicking his zip lighter lid open and closed. The room is silent and giving me an uneasy feeling.

So she is an assassin. Cool.

Wouldn't want to piss her off. Especially with the way her eyes narrow into daggers his way.

"I had Dimitri sought out to finding the perpetrators of your families and lovers' deaths after finding these files. Our findings had led me to believe that this will benefit the both of us, Miss Han." The Pakhan says, voice thick as knives.

Shina tenses, "that's impossible. How did you manage to find my files? They were burned many years ago. My Masters Shrine was destroyed along with it."

Nico smirks flicking the zip lighters lid closed, leaving a loud clinking sound, "don't underestimate my second in command. Dimitri is trained to build bombs and investigate the unseen. What I order, he provides with outstanding results."

My eyes shift to Dimitri who is still sitting beside me. I kind of side eye him for a bit before I speak, "well...that's just an invasion of privacy." I mutter under my breath.

All eyes then steer their way to me.

Shina tilts her head at me before turning back to the Pakhan. I look myself and see that he wasn't to happy about my disruption.  "My wife is right. But I'm in a short time frame right now. I need you, for your special skills. Is it true you killed over ten men in one room on one of your missions?"

Wow. Ten men? That's actually insane...

Shina scoffs, "does it truly matter what I'm capable of? Back to beforehand--you said this would benefit the both of us? Yes? What did you mean by that?"

"The made-soldiers that murdered your loved ones are from Edmond Galeon." Nicolai announces. Leaving me shocked beyond belief. 

Edmond sent soldiers to kill innocent people? Why?

"Edmond wanted to find a certain someone during this disaster he made--he came short when the one person he wanted was you, Shina Han. Thats why his second attack was after you years later, still he failed." He continues, answering my own thoughts. "For years, he wanted to find women of pure bloodline for his own sick operations. That...we don't know what he is trying to do. Which concludes why I'm doing this. I need a group of people to help me on this mission. To take down the Galeon Empire."

Tension never leaves as she makes her way closer to my husband, which causes my body to tense up.

But a large hand grips my shoulder from the side to stop me, giving me a reassuring squeeze. Dimitri whispers, "wait."

I watch as Shina is now close up front of Nicos desk, after a moment she stands there staring him down before she bows her head, "fine. I will join you. Only because you promise protection for my daughter. Not because you threatened me."

So this entire time...

The whole conversation they just had...

Was Nicolai threatening her?  Didn't sound like one but I guess I've never seen my husband in action like this.

Nico nods once before Shina steps back into her place.

The young man beside her, he looks not but my age. Maybe a little older perhaps but you'd think he was just a college kid with dark black hair that has long hair atop and short on the bottom. He is short, maybe 5'4 by the looks of it. He is wearing a deep grey hoodie and dark tan cargo pants with combat boots. His skin pale as ever like he never seen daylight before. His eyes dark and eyebrows thick. Jawline sharp as ever with a stubborn chin.

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