Pilot- Attention passengers, we are now landing in Whitechapel, Canada.

Fangs- Is Sarah picking us up from the airport?

Toni- Yeah she's actually really excited to see us she said with a smile

Toni- I just texted her saying we landed she said as she put her phone in her front pocket

Reggie- I wonder how much progress everyone else made? he said collecting his belongings from his selected compartments.


On the way to Sweetwater River

Joaquin's Jeep

Joaquin- Hey Cheryl , I know we haven't interacted or talked like at all.....I just wanted to let you know that you can count on me. We're gonna get you're brother back and revenge on your parents.

Cheryl- Thanks Joaquin that means a lot , when you mentioned the possibility that my Nana lied to me about where my brother has been for the past 8 years, I just got so furious. But if you are right I have a plan B.

Archie- Are you gonna tell everyone back home your plan if we don't have time to tell them about plan b?

Cheryl- When the time is right, When my parents forbade me from training I trained in secret obiv. But not so much where they could sense my internal fire growing. I've been working on this move called "Twin flame" , it's been the process of becoming perfect.....right now I'm beginning to think otherwise if I should use it or not.

Joaquin- What's twin flame?

Cheryl- It's the power to sense family members internal fire and locate them if they're within the same place or area as you. So, that's how we'll know if he's truly here or not.

Cheryl- When we get there the plan is you guys take out the gargoyle wolfs and I'll take on the hell hounds and I'll find Jason.

Got it Archie and Joaquin says in unison

Archie- So, can you sense him? we're getting pretty close to sweet water.

Cheryl closes her eyes and uses the best of her abilities to find her twin brother. She's been quite for some time with her opened palm turned over in cupping position ( I didn't know to describe it, sorry if it doesn't make since)

Archie- Cheryl?

Cheryl- Shhh!, why have we stopped? she said to Joaquin

Joaquin- Cause we're here he said as he put his car in park

Archie- Keep your guard up I'm getting a bad feeling about this he said looking around the open area he said while getting out the car

Joaquin- It'll be fine babe, I'll protect you he said with a smirk

Before Archie could respond he sensed another wolf from within the pushes, he flashes his gold eyes with his fangs and K9's , then released a growl.

Joaquin and Cheryl exchanged looks and looked toward the bushes


White Chapel Airport

Baggage Claim area

Reggie- So, what's Canada like assuming that you used to come here to visit Sarah.

Fangs- Yeah you're right except cousin Sarah wasn't a vampire all her life, she was turned later in life, and became a full vampire when she was in high school.

Reggie- Really?, I figured she was born a vampire too, I mean you guys did say her vampire clan has some similar abilities to you guys.

Toni- True, I guess.....I don't really know.....but I do know we're family and some family members usually look alike.

Wasn't it magical?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt