"They fucking know"

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It was the next day when Mikey woke up, still in Bonten's HQ, he still has to get the other members secrets and get the hell outta there. Mikey took a shower and brush his teeth and just wore some casual clothes that was found in the closet, now he's just waiting on breakfast.

A knock was suddenly heard from the door, indicating that his breakfast was here.

"Come in".

The door opened, revealing, Koko.


"Hey Mikey".

"Where's Sanzu?"

"Out on a job".

"Oh, thanks".

Koko just rested the tray on the bed and just sat there while Mikey was eating, he was getting weirded out, but he didn't want to tell him anything, so he just continued to eat and pretended that Koko wasn't there.

"So, Mikey, this might be an odd question, but can you try and answer it?"

"What kind of question is it?"

"Don't worry it's nothing dangerous".


"What's your sexuality?"



"I don't know how to answer that".

"Please, just try".

"I really don't know, since being in Toman, I really didn't have time to date anyone, I like girls, but I also like guys".

"So, you're bisexual?"

"I-I guess?"

"That's all I need to know, bye".

Koko just left the room and Mikey was confused as fuck as why Koko wanted to know his sexuality, but decided to just let it go for now, but now Mikey got a feeling that it's gonna be a weird day.

Mikey just decided to sleep until lunch, since Mikey can sleep for long periods of time without getting hungry.

 3 hours later, a knock was heard from the door and Mikey was already up, because he was bored.

"Come in".

"I hope it's not Koko again".

The door opened, revealing Sanzu. Mikey rushed to hug him.


"Hey king, how yuh goin'?"

"I'm good, I was bored without you".


"Of course, you're my best friend".

"Oh, best friend, huh".

"Oh, the boss says wear something fancy and come downstairs".


Sanzu just left the room and Mikey had a feeling like he was being watched, but just shrugged it off for now.

After 15 minutes of getting ready, Mikey finally headed downstairs and sat on one of the stairs, waiting on the others.

"Hey Mikey-chan".

Mikey turned around to see the twins, Ran and Rindo.

"Hey Ran, Rindo, what's with the special occasion?"

"~You just gotta wait and see~".

"Bad feeling alert".

After every member was all sat down, Takemichi came out, Mikey wanted to know why everyone is here and what's the reason.

"I have gathered you all here for something special."


Takemichi sat down and looked at Mikey dead in the eyes. Mikey confused but probably know why Takemichi is mad.

"So, Mikey, where were you?"

"What do you mean, I was in my room whole day".

"Playing stupid, huh".

Takemichi pulled out a tablet and the the group a video of Mikey escaping.

The members was surprised and Mikey was also surprised that Takemichi had a video of him escaping.

"Why did you escape Mikey?"

"Didn't you like it here?"

"You know damn well why the fuck I escaped".

"But, trying to guilt trip me, huh, ~I'll play your little game~"

"I-I just wanted to go outside and have a little fresh air".

"You could've asked us and we would've let you".

"Yeah with guards watching me, I wanted air without anybody taking care of me or watching me, making sure I don't fucking escape."

"And speaking of escape, here's a next video of Mikey".

The video shows Mikey running away from HQ and ending up in a bar, and Mikey didn't even knew that the bar had hidden cameras.


As the video goes on, the members were confused on who the black-haired person was.

"Who's that black-hair dude?"

"That's my ex girlfriend's brother, Naoto Tachibana".

"OH Fuck I'm in deep shit."

The video ended with Mikey and Naoto driving off.

"So, Mikey, what were you doing with Naoto?"

"I have to make up something".

"He was helping me get a job".

"And why him?"

"Because, he was the person I knew".

Takemichi didn't buy it, but he went with it for now.

"And what job did you get?"

"I'm working in a bank".



Takemichi looked at Mikey was such a serious face and Mikey was scared shitless, but didn't want anyone to see that and then Takemichi was smiling.

"You guys can eat now".

Everyone was eating, while Mikey was in deep thoughts.

"They might double up security and now that they know, they might do something stupid, I gotta tell Kazu and Naoto".




Mikey was backing into reality by Ran shouting his name.


"Are you okay, Mikey-chan?"

"Of course, just thinking".

"About what?"

"Just food".

Chapter completed?

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