"I don't like this"

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Mikey is in a really bad mood, because he doesn't want to get kidnapped again, but he had no choice, because he promised Kazu that he'll help him get the information, now Mikey is now back where he was, where he first met Ran and Rindo. But neither of them aren't there.

"I have a bad feeling about this".

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?"


Mikey turned around to see the one and only, Takemichi Hanagaki.

"Well, isn't it the former boss of Toman, Manjiro "Mikey" Sano".

"What brings you to our part of Tokyo?"


"I can't just say, hey yeah, I just wanna get kidnapped by you guys, that's all, I'LL SOUND CRAZY".

"Are you alright, Mikey?"

"Y-Yeah, just got lost again, that's all".

"Oh~ really?"


"Well how about you come with us?"

"Well, that's a surprising".

"No thanks, I have to get back"

"To where?"

" I'm working with a friend in firefighting".

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we borrow you for a while".


Suddenly all of Bonten's member came out of the shadows.

"Were they there all the time?"

"So what's it gonna be?"



Then a member injected Mikey with something into Mikey's neck.


"I should've taken down some of them before they get me, but it's best to act weak."

So, Mikey fell into a slumber and was tied up on both hands and feet and was carried back to Bonten's HQ.

It has been 4 hours since Mikey was injected with something in his neck, it still hurts, but he can move his neck a bit, he's back in the expensive room, but Mikey realized that his hands and feet were tied up.

"Oh wow, I didn't think that they'll tie me up".

"Guess, I'll wait until someone comes in".

So, Mikey went back to sleep, meanwhile Takemichi was watching how adorable Mikey was tied up.

"Soon Mikey, I'll try as many as it takes for you to love me".

Another 6 hours has pass and Mikey has woken for his nap again, then heard a knock on the door.

"Are yuh awake, king?"


"Yeah, I'm awake, you can come in".

"Sanzu opened the door with a tray of Mikey's two favorite things.

"Is that?"

"YEP, it's yuh favorite, Dorayaki and Taiyaki".

Mikey was happy to see his favorite food, while Sanzu was happy that he got to see his king back and smiling again.

"I gotta go king, but I'll check yuh later, kay".

"Bye Sanzu".

Then something had hit Mikey, he didn't realized that he had gotten so close to Sanzu already, like, best friend close, he didn't want to break that friendship, but, there are things you have to give up to get what you want.

"Forgive me, Sanzu".

Chapter completed

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