Chapter 24: Professional Matching

Start from the beginning

"Transferring a house as a gift incurs taxes. In other words, you have to pay taxes to get this house. However, the deed tax is very low, so most people can afford it. You just have to make sure the house is legal. If there's fraud involved and the house has to be taken back later, you will suffer a great loss."

The lawyer's advice was still a common issue. If Gu Siyu didn't understand houses and Jin Yuansen gave her some property rights that were not clean or mixed with illegal money transactions, she would suffer a loss.

Gu Siyu was already confused after listening to the lawyer's lengthy explanation. Her mind was in a whirlpool, and before she could even react, she suddenly realized what was going on.

"The most sophisticated scam is a legal one," the lawyer said.

She had a narrow perspective.

"He set a trap by offering you 30 million yuan to begin with," the lawyer continued.

"Huh?" Gu Siyu didn't understand.

"If he transfers 30 million yuan to your personal account, it may not be tracked, but if he claims it's a gift and transfers it to a non-private account, it will be considered accidental income and you'll have to pay personal income tax. If you don't pay, it will be considered illegal."

This was just the tax aspect. If Jin Yuansen used underhanded tactics and denied that he willingly gave the gift and claimed that Gu Siyu threatened him, then it would involve criminal law, and Gu Siyu would end up in jail. Money and houses were easy to talk about, but the waters ran deep. If one lacked education, they wouldn't understand it.

Gu Siyu licked her lips and looked at Huo Junxian.

"What the hell," she cursed.

It was so hard to make money these days.

No wonder Jin Yuansen agreed to give her money, and was willing to offer her 300 million yuan. It turned out that he had been setting her up all along.

Gu Siyu rubbed her fingers, feeling the urge to fight back.

Huo Junxian said, "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid."

Gu Siyu finally understood one thing.

Why was it that when criminals were caught, they always held a copy of the Criminal Law in their hands? It was scary how uneducated they were.

"Don't worry about the house, I'll help you choose one. As for the money, just pay the taxes and it'll be resolved. The lawyer will review the contract for you to avoid falling into a trap. That's it," Huo Junxian said.

Gu Siyu nodded, "Then I know what to do."

After the lawyer finished speaking, he didn't stay in the office any longer. Gu Siyu pondered on her own for a while and walked over to the bookshelf to look for a legal book to read, but unfortunately, most of them were in foreign languages.

The secretary brought the food, and they went to the small restaurant next door to eat. During the meal, they bumped into Jin Yuansen. He looked at Gu Siyu deeply, hinting at something.

Gu Siyu did not actively seek out Jin Yuansen. If he wanted to talk to her, he would have to find ways to find her, and she only needed to wait.

In the afternoon, a group of three men and one woman came to the office, probably high-level executives from the company. Gu Siyu didn't recognize them from their faces, but she usually identified people by their voices and by listening to their names. When she was with Jin Yuansen before, he would deliberately avoid her when receiving calls. Gu Siyu pretended not to hear, but actually listened closely and sometimes glanced at his chat records on his phone.

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