《Just another hero》

Start from the beginning

"Well... her name is Blaze from what I've heard."

"YOU MEAN THE ONE THAT WORKS UNDER THE N°1 HERO AND HER SIDEKICK?!"My mom yelled as she stood up from her seat.

There was silence as my mom sat back down and coughed.

"Continue."Was all she said.

"Y- yes, and I also got to see the N°1 in the flesh!"I said with enthusiasm.

"I'm so envious of you."My dad said.

I just chuckled at their attitudes.

"Well, dinner was delicious mom! Thank you! Gotta go get ready!"I simply said as I zoomed upstairs.

I simply wore a denim jacket over my white t-shirt and threw some trousers on.

When I went downstairs, my mom was still eating quietly with my dad while waiting my aunt to come.

"Bye mom and dad! I'm going now!"I said before closing the door behind me.

Soon, I jogged down to Shopping District.

And there I saw the blond haired hero, wearing a cap and a formal attire.

"Hey Aki!"I ran up to her while waving my hand.

She swiftly turned her head at me and smiled.

"You made it, (Y/n)!" She said while I got to her and panted because of me jogging.

"So.. what did you want to talk about?"I asked.

"Not here, it's a secret. Come on let's go somewhere less crowded."She said as she yanked me somewhere.

After all that walking, we arrived at a park which seemed not many people were here.

"Spill the beans, Aki."I ordered as we both sat down on the nearby bench.

"Okay... After the police questioned the villains, they said that AFO gave you a quirk. A dangerous one.. but they didn't tell us what it was. Did they tell you?"She asked.

I slowly nodded as I recalled the memories back when I was kidnapped.

"He said it's called Finality, it is a very powerful quirk. He said that I can simply end a bloodline of powerful heroes, with just a small snap of my finger."I explained as Aki widened her eyes.

"To use the quirk to it's full power, it has to be night time."

"And he said... my quirk is suitable for it.."

"Say (Y/n).. what is your quirk?"Aki asked looking dead-straight into my eyes.

I started panicking since my quirk is something that is kinda hard to explain. She noticed me panicking, so she tried to calm me down by rubbing circles on my back.

"Well.. with him saying night time is suitable for your new quirk.. I assume you have a night like quirk?"She asked with a soft smile.

"Actually, I can make it night time anytime I want."I spoke.

"Really?"She asked as she was shocked.

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