"Sire. I...." I immediately started crying. Ratchet was worried. He doesn't like seeing you crying. Or he doesn't like to see you upset. "CyberFlame. What is wrong, my sparkling." He asked you. "Ratchet. We need you here on our ship now. It's our daughter. Her energon levels are increasing low and they are decreasing by the minute. And we need you here to see what we can do to help RoseMegaFlame." Megatron said to Ratchet. "Of course, Megatron. I'll be there in less than a nano click." He said and replied back to Megatron. Soon the call ended. I went and I gently took our daughter. Megatron got up and he went to check on his son. He lifted him up and cradled him. Soon we heard the doors open. We looked and saw my sire.

Ratchet walked in. "Hand my granddaughter over to me. I handed our daughter to my sire." Ratchet went and he checked on his granddaughter. He scanned her. He looked and noticed her energon levels were really low. He looked and noticed she was moving a little bit but not as much as she should. He knew that this wasn't a good sign. He reached over and grabbed some low grade energon. "Sire. I already gave her some." I said to my sire. Ratchet turned and he looked at you. "You did." He asked you. "Yes, sire. I did." I replied back to my sire. Ratchet turned and he was definitely worried. "Ratchet. Would it help if me and my queen give her some of our energon to help her." Megatron said and asked Ratchet. Ratchet looked at you and Megatron. "It wouldn't hurt to try Megatron. If not or if this doesn't help or if this doesn't work. I don't think she will survive without the energon in her systems. Because her systems are almost shutting down." He said and replied back to Megatron.

I immediately collapsed. "Sweet spark!" Megatron shouted. Megatron quickly went over. "I'm fine, Megs. Sire. We have to do it to help mine and Megatron's daughter." I said to my sire. Ratchet gently lifted his granddaughter up and he took her to the med bay. Megatron walked with you. "Megs. I wouldn't know what to do if we lost our little girl." I said to him, thinking of the possibility that we could lose our little girl. "I....I know my queen. I don't want to lose our little princess either." He replies back to you. Soon you and Megatron walked in the med bay. Both you and Megatron walked over and sat down on the med berth. Knockout walked over and started taking some of your energon. Once he had energon he stopped. He went over and sat it down. He then walked over and started taking Megatron's energon. Both you and Megatron hoped that this would save and give your little girl a chance to live.

After everything was done. You and Megatron stayed in the med bay with your little girl. Hoping that this would help RoseMegaFlame. Knockout was in the other room with Ratchet. "Hey Ratchet." Knockout said. "Yes, Knockout. Ratchet replied back. Do you think that it's just not the regular energon. But with the dark energon. Because her levels are very low. And we tried everything with regular energon." Knockout told Ratchet. Ratchet looked at him. "That is ridiculous and preposterous, Knockout. Unless. Excuse me, Knockout." Ratchet said to Knockout. Ratchet immediately walked out. He looked and saw you and Megatron waiting for RoseMegaFlame to come around.

"Hey uh, Megatron. By any chance did you have any uh....dark energon in your system before you, you know." Ratchet asked Megatron. Megatron looked at him but he looked at his queen. "What are you trying to get at Ratchet?" Megatron asked him. Until it dawned on him. "Oh. I now know what you are trying to ask me." Megatron said. He then looked at his daughter. "Ratchet. If you are asking me if I had any dark energon in my systems the answer is no. The last time I used dark energon was when I found out that I was deeply in love with your daughter. That's when I stopped taking it. I didn't want to hurt her or anything. You can check my ship for yourself. You won't find any dark energon on this ship. I can guarantee you that. Anyways, what gave you the idea to ask me that question." Megatron asked Ratchet.

"Uh. Hehe. It was Knockout who gave me the idea." Ratchet said to Megatron. Megatron gave a low growl. "Knockout! Get here, in." Megatron said shouting for Knockout. Soon Knockout walked out. "Yes my Liege." He said. "Knockout. Why would you say that to Ratchet?" He asked Knockout. "Sorry my Liege. It just came to my mind." He said to his master. I looked down and saw my little girl moving a little. I growled. "SHUT UP!!!!" I shouted. Everyone immediately shut their mouths. "Megs look." I said while pointing at our daughter. Megatron looked and he immediately let out a sigh of relief. Megatron went and he slowly nuzzled his daughter.

RoseMegaFlame started opening her optics. Her vision was a little blurry but soon she aligned her optics and vision. She looked and she saw two figures staring and looking at her. She immediately chirped and smiled. She tried reaching up and she tried grabbing her sire's face. Megatron chuckled. "It looks like it worked, my queen." He says to you. "Yes indeed. But it was you who saved her. You thought of the idea." I said to my warlord. Megatron immediately blushed. "Sire. Will she be okay now?" I asked my sire. Ratchet walked over and he scanned her. He was astonished. "Incredible. Her vitals are increasing. She's going to be just fine, my little sparkling." Ratchet said. I immediately smiled.

"Do you guys need anything else?" He asked you and Megatron. "No. And thank you Ratchet. For everything." Megatron said to Ratchet. "No worries, Megatron. Ratchet said. "Thank you, sire. I love you." Ratchet smiled. "I love you too, kiddo." Ratchet turned and was walking out but you immediately ran and you knocked your sire down hugging him to death. "Hpmh." Ratchet chuckled. Megatron chuckled and snickered. "That was some sneaky stealth move, my queen. Your sire didn't even notice it." He says to you. Ratchet grumbled until his breath. "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, Megatron. Now can you please get off of your sire CyberFlame." Ratchet asked you. "Nope." I replied back to my sire. Ratchet eyes widened. "What. Why not?" He asked you. Megatron snickered because he knew what you were doing.

"Now. I want you to apologize for everything you had said to Megs." I said to my sire. "What!!! I already did. What gives, my sparkling. Anyways my back is starting to ache." He says to you. "Awe. Is sire in pain?" Megatron widened his optics. He was enjoying this. And he noticed that his daughter was enjoying this too. RoseMegaFlame clapped and chirped because of what you were doing. "CyberFlame. I order you to get off me. That is your sire's orders." I looked at my sire. "I thought my sire never gave orders." Ratchet let out a growl. "Get off of me or else." He says to you. "Or else what else. You ground me, you take away my toys or you take away my electronics." I said to my sire.

Ratchet was starting to get pissed off. "Okay my sparkling. I am really getting ugh. Megatron, can you cover the little one's ears?" Megatron covered RoseMegaFlame's audios. "I am really getting pissed off. You are starting to get me pissed off. And I ain't kidding. Now GET OFF OF ME!!! AND I WON'T ASK YOU AGAIN! I went and I flicked my sires audio and I ran off. "Ouch!!! Get back here CyberFlame." Ratchet immediately took off but soon you kicked his peds making him lose his balance and making him fall backwards and hitting his back on the floor. RoseMegaFlame started giggling and laughing. Megatron smiled. "Hey my love. Keep doing it. It's making our little one happy." Megatron says to you. RoseMegaFlame went and grabbed a thing and started playing around making it fall backwards. She giggled and laughed even more. Megatron knew that his little princess was going to be okay and live a full and great life. He just hopes that you will make it through with your sire. But time will tell.

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