20. Dead Girl Walking

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I don't know what to think when a hand secures itself over my mouth and I'm pulled up against a hard chest. My breath leaves my body and I fall into fight or flight. My instincts kick in and I elbow the man in the ribs, maneuvering from his grip with ease, shoving the form against the front door. I don't even pay attention to who it is until I'm glancing up at them.

"If you wanted it rough, all you could've done was ask." Leon smirks down at me, looking just as arrogant and conceited as he does when he's in the office. How do I have this man pinned against my door,and yet he still acts like the massive prick he is? He doesn't care at all. "I didn't think you'd be into this kind of stuff."

His words throw me off slightly, surprised at his easygoing tone, and playful banter. But it doesn't fool me. None of his acts do. "What the fuck are you doing creeping around my house at this time of night? I thought you were some kind of criminal or something!" I almost yell at him, careful not to disturb the neighbors. I don't need any unwanted attention drawn to us.

Leon looks at me, narrowing his eyes. The playful look is gone, and I begin to feel that fear seeping in beneath my skin. He's turning right before my eyes. All I can do is make a small squeak as I'm suddenly propelled off of the door, and spun around. Leon pins me against the door with ease and all that false bravado I felt just seconds earlier is just that. False.

"You know, I always forget you're not the brightest." He cocks his head slightly, analysing me. Judging me. He leans in, his break fanning my cheek. I can feel crimson filling my cheeks as his face brushes up against mine. "Where have you been, my Phoebe?"

"I'm not 'your' Phoebe," I spit, struggling to get out of his tight grasp. "Get the hell off me."

Leon hums into my ear, as if entertained by this whole situation. "But you are, aren't you? Remember our little deal? You're mine." His words hold some kind of finality to them, which has fear burying itself deep within the pit of my stomach.

"No, and it isn't a deal. You blackmailed me into it. It's sad you had to go to such great lengths to get a girl. How are you doing in the sex department?" I feel a sense of power as my words reach his ears. I watch as his expression changes from entertained to angry. Or at least I think it's anger. His eyes darken and his lips purse.

He pushes me further against the door, until a pain begins to form in my back. I don't know if he can tell, but he seems to ease up for a second, before hissing into my ear, "Open the door."

I'm confused now, and shake my head as much as I can, trapped beneath his arms. "What? No."

"I wasn't asking."

"You're not coming inside. I won't let you." I say firmly. He doesn't seem discouraged however.

"Who's going to stop me?"

"Rory! My roommate owns the place and she doesn't like it when I let strangers in the house. And she's inside right now and she'll be pissed—"

"I know she isn't inside, Phoebe. Don't you think I account for these things?" A small evil smile curls upon his lips. And kill me if it isn't the sexiest thing I've ever seen. This man is the devil incarnate and yet for some reason he was blessed with looks that rival the gods. Holy shit, I am not simping over this monster. I absolutely refuse.

"How do you know that?"

"Do you really want to know?"

I nod my head eagerly.

"I had a man watch your apartment for the past day and a half. He kept a record of everyone who went in and out of this house, and sent that information to me." He says it so casually, as if he were just reciting the weather, not telling me he's been watching my roommate and I for the past day. That's illegal!

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