4. An Unexpected Call

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"Tell me every single thing that happens. And let me know if you're going back to one of theirs. Also keep me posted every half hour-"

"Chill bro, I'm going to be fine." Rory sighs, resting both her hands on my shoulders. "They are both gentleman and I don't think they have a single mean bone in their body."

I give her a questioning look. Alexei looked like he could snap me in half with just a thought, and I don't think he got that nasty scar by being nice. I certainly don't want to voice my caution about Rory's new 'relationship', but something just seemed slightly off when I met Alexei. That's not to say I think he will hurt her, at least not intentionally.

"I know, I know... I just want you to be safe." I huff.

"And I love you for that." She smiles. Her phone dings and she looks down to see a message from Alexei saying that they're outside. "Alright, I guess it's time for me to go."

"You've got this. You're beautiful and sexy, and have an amazing personality. There's nothing to not love about you,and if they can't see that, then they don't deserve you."

"What would I do without you Bee."

"You would be dead." We both laugh and I give her one last hug before watching her walk out the front door. Parked right outside the house is an expensive Porsche, with the two men standing on the sidewalk, ready to greet Rory. While Alexei kisses her, i take the time to examine the other man. He's just as large and dominant, however has a head full of thick blonde hair, styled meticulously. He's definitely a piece of eye candy with his suit too.

Rory looks like she belongs with them in her tight fitting white dress, and I really hope something comes out of this. I want to see her happy.

The blonde haired man notices my staring, and stares back which send shivers down the back of my neck. And not the good kind. But instead of backing down, I stare right back. After a few seconds, he slightly bows his head. I do the same before retreating back into the house and leaping onto the large plush couch.

It's only six o'clock and I'd be surprised if Rory comes back tonight, so I guess it's just me, myself and I.

Without even giving it much thought, I find myself opening my phone and looking at a certain persons contact details. I really shouldn't. After the horrendous encounter with his brother who happens to be New York's famed sweetheart, I should keep my distance. I can't imagine how things would go down after my whole little lie came out, but it's not that big of a deal I guess. Still...

Me: Hey, u doing anything atm?

I bite my lip in anticipation, feelings of adrenaline pumping through my veins, as if I were in high school texting my crush. After a minute of painful waiting, he shoots a message back.

Holland: Nothing really

Me: Wanna get dinner?

Another minute passes.

Holland: Sorry, I'm going out to a family dinner :(

I let out a long sigh. It's probably for the best.

Me: All g, maybe another time

Holland: Definitely, what about Monday night?

Me: Sounds good

I don't know why I'm organising a date with this boy, but I just can't stop myself. It's like watching a car crash happen, I have no control and yet I can't help but want to keep watching just to see the outcome. Does this make me a bad person?

I guess tonight will just be me after all... maybe I should just go to the food trucks around the corner by myself. I could really go with a chicken burrito. Just the thought of it is making my insides yearn for food. Alright, it's decided. I'm going out for burritos.

Throwing on a jacket, I'm out the door in five minutes and walking down the chilly street. It's for the most part quiet, or as quiet as New York can be on a Saturday night. The sky is dark and the city lights are bright. As I continue down the street, the people multiply and bustling restraints come into view as well as shop fronts. I'm about to step inside a corner store to get some chocolate for tonight, but am stopped at the ringing of my phone.

"Hello?" I say, trying to juggle my bag of my shoulder while getting out my wallet.

"Phoebe, you're a difficult person to contact."

I freeze only for a moment before hanging up the phone.

I turn around, scanning my surroundings with a breath caught in my throat. Everything is fine, everything is just fine and there is absolutely nothing to worry about. There's no way he'd be able to know I'm here. He'd have no reason too.

I shuffle into the corner store, losing a breath. I grab much more chocolate and candy than intended, but pay for it anyway. As I shove it all into my bag, I slip out of the shop and begin my brief walk back to Rory's - the thought of dinner long gone from my mind. Once I make it back, I slam the door behind me and slide down the door until I'm curled in a ball.

My chest hurts and my heart is pounding.

He said he would leave me alone. He promised he would leave me alone. I was stupid to think he'd keep to his word, utterly foolish and naive. Wishful thinking never got me anywhere, so why did I think if I ignored the truth this time, things would be different?

Unwrapping the chocolate bar, I take a big bite and another until there is nothing left. I want to text Rory, I want her to come home and tell me everything will be okay. But who am I to ruin her happiness because of something I have no control over? I chew my lower lip and pick at my nails. If I just ignore him, he'll go away. Or he won't.

Because he's the only one who knows what I did.

He could destroy me.

Hey Guys!!!
Things are starting to get interesting...
I wonder what Phoebe did...
Love ya'll!!!

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