[3.65] convention

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Ciara had been up since before the crack of dawn, too excited to sleep. She had sat in a chair in her garden, wrapped up in about four blankets and watched the sunrise as a way to distract herself from the excitement. She had bought James a present a while ago and had waited for the day she could give it to him for a while, without saying a word to anyone. She didn't want him to have even the slightest possibility of finding out as she desperately wanted to witness his initial reaction. She's been up for ages, just excited and unable to sleep. By the time nine o'clock rolled around, she could not wait any longer. So, having already packed her bag and put it by the door, Chip hurried out of the house and drove to his house. And unsurprisingly, she found him dead asleep.

"James," she whispered softly, gently shaking his shoulder to wake him up. "J..." she spoke just a little louder than before, hoping the sudden change in volume would wake him. "J...James!"

Finally he stirred and shuffled in bed, eyes still shut as he hoarsely whispered, "What?"

"I got a surprise for you," she responded quietly, chuckling softly.

"Is it a hot air balloon?" he somnolently replied, eyes still closed as he tried to grasp ay remnants of sleep he could.

"No, but it's better than that."

His brow raised even in his half asleep state, "Better?"

"Aye," she grinned. "Come on, wake up."

He yawned and used his arms to hold himself up, not having the energy to fully sit up quite yet. "What time is it?"

"Nine in the morning, lazy," she laughed while sitting down on the side of the bed, being careful not to accidentally stand on the book he had tucked underneath the bed. She, after a hesitation to only add to the suspense, pulled out two yellow tickets with printed black writing and handed them to him.

He blinked repeatedly, tired eyes struggling to read the words before him. She could see the very second his mind had the ability to comprehend again, his eyes widened as he clutched the tickets a little tighter than before. "Doctor Who convention?" he blurted, rather unable to believe what was truly in front of him.

"Aye but it's a bit away so we have to drive a ways beforehand," she fought the grin that so desperately wanted to appear, truly so undeniably glad that he had become the exact picture of eudaimonia.

"A Doctor Who convention?" he repeated, this time smiling brightly as sleepiness had fully fled from his mind as elation took over.

"Aye? Are you still too tired to- '' she found herself being cut off by him taking a hold of her waist and pulling her towards him into a hug that almost perfectly communicated each and every feeling that had spilled and reached a level that he did not have the ability to deal with whatsoever. "Jesus J!"

"I love you.''

"I love you too," she laughed as she managed to untangle herself from his arms so she could easily sit up. He frowned at the sudden removal from the hug and remained laying down, fighting that she had just been in a briefly uncomfortable position. She smiled softly, "You've got an hour and a bit to get your stuff together. It's a while away so long drive."

"You drive there I drive back?"

She nodded, glad he had suggested such a thing because she rather hated driving during the late night, where even the moon had no effect on the darkness that shrouded the roads. "But first you have to get out of bed," she laughed while pulling his curtains open, letting in the morning light.

James sighed and buried his face into the pillows feeling far too comfortable to move even with such an exhilarating day planned. He truly believed that there wasn't anything that could be better than sharing his favourite thing with his favourite person.


During the convention, where he had dressed in his costume, James had simply nerded out the entire time and loved every single little aspect that surrounded them in the hall. Chip had loved every second of just witnessing his complete joy and snapped pictures with his camera of everything he wanted a picture of. They had also taken quite a few pictures together, most of which would end up tacked onto James' bedroom wall.

James drove in the complete dark of the night, enjoying the quiet and the night air. He didn't quite understand why Chip didn't like driving in the dark, he much preferred it to the day as there wasn't as many vehicles to worry about. He could safely let his mind drift a little to wherever it wanted or he could just sit and enjoy the ambience - which was what he was doing while Chip's sleeping soft breaths echoed from the passenger seat. She had stolen James' scarf and folded it to place behind her head, a pillow as her seats had a rather uncomfortable surface to sleep on and had draped his disposed jacket over herself as a blanket since he wanted the window open. The warmth and her general exhaustion from an early start to the day took its toll and she had fallen asleep about forty minutes into the drive back.

He suddenly was forced to break sharply as an unidentifiable figure ran across the road from the bushes in front. The sudden break shook Ciara awake and he instantly apologised, "Sorry, something ran out in the road."

"'is grand," she yawned and turned over, squeezing her eyes shut before she reopened them again. "How far out are we?"

"Half an hour maybe," he responded after a hesitation of deliberation, trying to figure out how far out of Derry they were. Ciara forced herself to sit up, the scarf pillow falling behind her back, as she yawned yet again. "Chip go back to sleep, you look exhausted."

She chuckled softly, rubbing her temple to dispel the tiredness and fogginess that remained in her brain. "I didn't mean to fall asleep in the first place, wanted to keep you company," she sighed, feeling rather annoyed for putting him into a situation where he was alone for so long.

"It's fine, love."

Ciara shook her head and repeatedly slapped her cheeks, waking herself up whilst James laughed softly. She turnt up the radio, which he had turned down after she had fallen asleep, and hoped the music would keep her awake this time. "Talk, come on, I know you think a lot when you drive," she replied whilst stretching out her legs, feeling a swoop of relief as the stiffness in them left.

"Not tonight," he shrugged before changing up a gear as they had turned onto a long straight country rode instead of the winder ones of previous.

She raised a brow, pushing a thought that his action was a rather hot and attractive one to the back of her mind as she yawned again, "Seriously?"

He nodded and sighed softly, contently, "Minds at peace for once."

"That's good," she smiled softly, voice heavy with exhaustion. James purposely did not reply, sending them both into a silence that had her fluttering off into sleep again. As her sleeping breaths returned, he chuckled quietly making sure he made absolutely no noise. He glanced to his side when it was safe enough and just smiled. She was undoubtedly the most stunning person he had ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on. And he was so incredibly glad that she was finally starting to realise it too. 

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