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Werewolf family came back home knowing that Jungkook is safe with Hyung. They just decided to wait for them to come home.


They mated and made love for the first time and drifted off to sleep afterwards. Seokjin was the first one to woke up, finding Jungkook sleeping by his side, naked and covered in marks that he made, he couldn't help but cry. He cried chanting sorry and regret that he forced himself on Jungkook.

Jungkook woke up hearing weeping sounds next to him. He sat up and tried to comfort Seokjin, saying what he thinks isn't true. He himself willingly decided to give himself to Seokjin, because he loves him.

Hearing this, Seokjin stopped crying. He pointed out in low and dejected voice that him and Jungkook are impossible because he is from another world. If the atmosphere wasn't this heavy with a serious topic, Jungkook would have squished the pouty red cheeks of the elder. He smiled and answered patiently, "Now that I have fallen in love with you. Wherever you are, my world is there. I will always be next to you. I will accompany you in this life of mine and hopefully in next too." He explained while caressing the left cheek of the elder.

" me?" Seokjin asked with surprised and confused face.

"Can't you tell by the way I tried to get close to you those past months we lived with hyungs?" Jungkook asked and got a head shake in negative.

He smiled and leaned in while grabbing Seokjin's neck to bring him closer for the kiss. He lovingly kissed his Ice Prince. Wanting this moment to last, he kissed Seokjin on lips, on nose, on both sides of cheeks, on forehead, on eyes and back again on lips, this time biting to ask for entrance. Seokjin was in daze. His wild imaginations are coming true. Jeon Jungkook, that strangely familiar stranger loves him back. A little tug on his lips brought him back and he immediately took the lead. Jungkook let him take the lead as he was pushed back on the ground. The kiss was becoming deeper and lustful. Jungkook can smell the scent of Seokjin getting stronger, maybe the hormones of rut are acting up again. He excitedly hyped the arousal and changed their position. Now with Seokjin on the ground and Jungkook on top of him, sitting in the way that their lower pride area gets as much friction it can get.

Jungkook leaned down and whispered in Seokjin's ear, "Let me take care of you this time." and he went ahead to kiss, touching and sucking the sensitive skin around the neck of Seokjin while grinding his own body on the other. He knew Seokjin was emotionally and physically exhausted. So he took the turn of taking care of his love. Seokjin let his Jungkook take control. 'His' he smiled in the kiss he was given by his lover. His lover got the hint and started to move in a way to please the other.

Seokjin's rut lasted for three days. Seokjin went out for bringing them food and he also took aftercare of Jungkook very well. Jungkook was happy getting the lovely attention. He felt loved. After the rut was over they returned home to their Werewolf family. Not expecting surprising news.


The Werewolf couples knew that Jungkook was safe with Hyung, so they decided to go back home quickly in their wolf form. The smell of their hyung in rut forced them to go into their own. As soon as they reached home they went to their respective rooms and made love, spent time cuddling and being affectionate towards their mate. All this while they used protection when they helped each other in their mate's rut and heat. They weren't ready for the kids but guess this time they forgot to use protection in the heat of excitement of arousal.

Sooo, Hoseok and Jimin, they both ended up getting pregnant. It was shocking for them too, because they weren't planning to, but now they were happy to be blessed. Jungkook was super excited when he heard the news. He followed Hoseok and Jimin around the house asking curious questions. Hoseok and Jimin both found it cute and they were also happy to get the attention and care that Jungkook provided. He sort of became an overprotective younger brother of the omegas. He made sure that alphas do their best in making their mates happy. When omegas are resting, he forbids the alphas from meeting and disturbing their mate. He acts as a grumpy bunny to scare them off. Both alpha Yoongi and Taehyung adore Jungkook so they put up with his antics. But sometimes when Jungkook gets overly protective of the omegas, they complain to their hyung, Seokjin. Who just laughs it off.

After so long, Seokjin was happy. He was happy to be able to live a good life with his 'family'.

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