The Downfall

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Breaking news

-"Jeon Jungkook has now lost his voice forever."

-"Doctors said he had this illness of Laryngitis (swelling of the voice box, which can cause a hoarse voice or loss of voice) growing even before his career as a solo artist started."

-"It is a mystery as to why would he choose singing as his career if he had this serious illness."

-"What will happen to the life of the heartthrob of the nation, stay tuned to-"

Jungkook turned off the t.v. of course he would be all over the news channels. His management assured him that they won't let this issue air, but here they are, failing again to protect him from getting spotted by the paparazzi. They were saying whatever about him just to get publicity.

Everything was going downhill for him. Ever since he lost the lucky charm his mother gave him before leaving him alone with his abusive father. His mother couldn't survive the abuse his father was giving her. His mother made sure her son gets saved but she couldn't keep holding on to hope and died while being rescued by police.

Jungkook was a quiet kid. Once her teacher heard him singing a song to himself. She encouraged him to give audition for a solo artist. She was like a mother figure to him so he did as she told him to do. Mind that he was only 15 at that time.

Eventually, he found peace in his music. He started creating music and performing it in front of people. He found it easy to express himself better in lyrics. Lucky for him that people liked his voice and cute face. He was called the 'Prince of the nation'. His fanbase grew and he became famous around the world. Having concerts around the world was something he got used to. But it all became a kind of automation. The pure feelings of admiration and appreciation he felt from his fans weren't there anymore. They only wanted him to perform for them, and live for them if he won't, he was threatened for life by crazy fans. He felt his feelings being ignored. While all this going on, as one bad thing happens after another, he faced an accident of stage malfunction. The stage he was performing on was poorly built and security seemed to miss the checks. The stage broke in between his performance and he was severely injured. His fans were worried for him, and the responsible personalities for this accident were punished. His fans stayed and showed support for him. He received a throat injury from this accident. He hid the truth on his management's advice. He also wanted to show only his strong side to his fans, not the weak one. But he never knew his fans will leave him for being secretive and not sharing a tiny bit of info about his life. Was he not even allowed to act and take decisions on his own??

Now he was procrastinating on his couch not having any concerts to perform. At the age of 22, he made enough money to live his life nicely.

But luck was not really on his side. Was it?? No.

Someone was at his door.

"Mr.Jeon we are sorry to say but your properties are sealed because of illegal documentation."

"Say WHAT?"

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