"Alright will do, thank you again!" I told her.

"Oh Please, I reward those who show effort." She said happily.

I said one final goodbye before heading to my lunch for today. Truthfully unless I bought food or snacks, I never really ate—I'd just sit here on my phone.

School was the most boring part of my life, most of the work came easy, I just didn't have friends. I had a best friend, Malachi—but he moved to a different state over the summer so we just didn't talk as much.

Now I was really a loner, it didn't really bother me that much—if anything it was only boring at school.

At home, I could at least distract myself with hobbies, writing, listening to music, watching shows. At school it was literally nothing to do but be surrounded by dramatic people.

Abruptly loud, obnoxious talking broke me from my thoughts.

I looked towards the head of the cafeteria where all the noise was coming from to see what it was about, and of course it was none other than the football team.

Loud, obnoxious, and funky, that's them in a nutshell.

Leading the group, as always—stood Yamir, smiling wide as usual.

I swear he was always smiling, like life was just amazing in every way possible. Not to sound like a hater or anything of course, I just don't think I have ever seen him sad or mad, or even emotionless, he always looked happy.

My first year at this school was last year as a junior, of course by then most people in my grade had known each other and spent enough time around each other to be acquainted.

I was still kind of in that 'new kid' area, but it was like everyone knew who Yamir was, they treated him like some sort of celebrity if anything.

At the sight of them I drew my attention from my phone and watched all the commotion. As usual they went to their normal table and sat—joking and playing wildly as normal.

Everyday it was the same routine, they'd enter loudly, sit in their regular spot, demand all the attention as all the girls drooled over them and all the guys admired them. It just seemed so trivial to me.

I'd never found myself attracted to any of them. I mean I expected too, at my old highschool I had the biggest crush on this basketball player, but he had already had a boyfriend and he didn't give anybody else the time of day.

Here though, they weren't my type. While Yamir was objectively very attractive, he just never seemed genuine. Like I don't think I'd even know how to have a conversation with someone who seemed so inauthentic.

That sounds pretentious as fuck to say about someone you've never had a conversation with—I just don't think I could even handle someone that 'perfect.'

I shrugged at my own thoughts and returned my attention back to my phone, where it stayed for the remainder of the lunch period.

When it was time for my next class I made my way there and took a seat near the back like I usually did. As much I complain about school being boring because I didn't have many friends, I can admit I didn't exactly put in much effort to make any.

It was a flaw of my own—I'm very much aware.

With a bored expression I pulled out my notebook and pen—preparing to sit through yet another day of this math class. I actually enjoyed math, but again—it was so easy it was just boring.

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