chapter 7

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Zhuang Mingyu was born from the only concubine in the harem, it was one disgraceful day the emperor decided to give him good favours since he was basically abandoned in the harem with no fellow brothers or sisters since there was almost none to begin with. He gave him much pleasure and love until eventually the concubine fell pregnant with the emperor's child, and this was the start of the concubine's obsession with power.

The concubine craved more. He was after all drunk in power, the concubine became very arrogant saying he will have a son and he will be emperor openly challenging the 1rst prince. From small open challenges to threats the concubine soon began to plot against the 1st prince, the emperor had not only warned him to stop but interfere to some extent which would not harm his unborn child.

That didn't stop him however, the emperor knew of his son's ruthlessness while he would not harm the pregnant concubine the same cannot be said for his son who took after him. And it was one day the concubine's ploy went too far. The concubine plot ended up killing the prince's pet dog and long time friend. 

The prince didn't act immediately, he patiently waited on the labour day of the concubine then walked in the room as soon as the baby was delivered, the prince to the corpse of a dead dog and began to shove it up inside the concubine saying. "A life for a life, you gave birth to my baby brother now birth my dog and give him back to me" 

The guards had held him down and servants could only watch in terror and listened to the violent screams of the concubine, when he saw that it was not working he took the birthing string of the baby then wrapped it around the concubines through choking him as he repeated.

"I want my dog, I want my dog, give him back!" 

Even after the concubine was dead he still kicked and stepped on the corpse asking for his dog that would never be returned. Xing Yargui thinks these people are all psycho even though a child himself has lost his mind. It was only a dog but then again if someone killed his pet he would kill them too. 

So Xing Yargui knows offending the psycho kid is the last thing he should do, after all nothing is more unhinged than a child killer.

"I see our empress mother prepared a lovely welcome," the prince smiled.

"Of course, anything for my children right?"

He took Zhuang Mingyu pinching his fat rosy cheek, it was really soft and smooth. He gently bit he confusing the children, "wow, your so precious and small I can eat you up" 

"Empress Mother, cannibalism is not very pretty" Zhuang Junjie smiled, taking a seat.

The princess followed, taking a chair, the servants at seeing the prince slightly blushed, bowing their heads. The prince grinned as his eyes glowed.

"I'm not eating anymore even if he looks enjoyable," Xing Yargui said, taking a sip of the tea that was poured.

The prince observed Xing Yargui and thought, "your not a cowardly bitch anymore" 

Xing Yargui was not offended by his unfiltered words, "your highness should such unfiltered words be uttered from your dignified mouth" 

"Is it or is it not true, your actions resemble that of a money that saw his reflection for the first time completely terrified" the prince said, supporting his chin.

Xing Yargui puts down the cup, the little shit was openly taunting him. "You little psychotic brat, as if you event with last concubine wasn't enough to terrify me if anything I shone afraid" 

"Why? You haven't offended me, why are you afraid" Zhuang Junjie widened his eyes, staring at him.

"I completely understand now," Xing Yargui nodded.

Xing Yargui stood up took the cup with tea and dung it on him then glared, "I invited you to tea you little shit, best behave when I'm in a good mood" 

The prince was surprised he looked up at him and stood, the servants were scared that events would repeat once again. The prince stared at him as both shared eye contact.

"Pfft hahahaha hahahahaha how entertaining, empress mother sure is aiya, aiya calm down mother let's enjoy tea shall we?" 

"My mood has been soured by you leave and apologise later" 

"Oh really, too bad." He got up turning his back looking at him, "the tea was sure but fun entertain me more Em-press mother~ kekeke" 

The prince walked away leaving the other nanny to take the other children and as soon as they left Xing Yargui collapsed back into his chair as a trickle of sweat dropped on his cheek. That child was a complete psycho and a terrifying one that he must never show fear to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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