"Craig? Craiggg~ Craig!" Clyde said, interrupting Craigs thoughts. "What do you want now?" Craig said. "Damn dude, no need to be so hostile, I was just gonna ask you if all you were going to get was a medium coffee." Clyde responded. "Oh fuck, I forgot that that's the only thing I ordered. Well, whatever I'm not that hungry anyways." Craig quickly dismissed the problem. Clyde was always worried about Craig, he didnt seem to care much about anything, even himself, it was concerning, but Clyde couldn't say anything.


"Finally my shift ended!" Tweek said, to no one in particular, while taking his apron off. His family had just moved to the small Colorado mountain town a week ago so he had no friends, he hadn't even went to school yet.

"Now what to do.." Tweek thought outloud. "Maybe I can try ice skating! I've never been somewhere were it snows." Tweek finished his thought. "Wait no, ice skating is dangerous, and I can get hurt really badly, oh god, what if I slip on the ice and fall flat on my head and get a concussion, or even worse...what if I die!?" Tweek worriedly said controlling his breathing to calm down. '1...' he thought, '2...3...'

"Maybe it'll be good for me to try something new...I hope." Tweek awkwardly smiled at himself.

Tweek went to the skating rink, he didn't have any personal skates so he had to go to skating rink where they had some for rent.

Tweek entered the skate rink, realizing it would be slightly embarrassing to skate by himself, considering everyone else there was with a group, or with a partner.

"Here's your change sir, have fun." The cashier said as she handed Tweek his rented skates. "Thanks," Tweek answered politely.

He put the skates on, and tried to get on the ice, not knowing how to get on and falling the first time. He tried again but failed. Tweek started te feel embarrassing for not knowing how to get onto the ice, he had skated before, but never ice skated, he figured it was pretty similar.

"Do you need help?" Asked, a dark haired boy, who seemed to be the same age as Tweek, his skin was pretty clear other than a few pimples he had on his forehead and cheeks, his hair covered by a blue chullo hat with a yellow puffball, the boy seemed to be around the same height as him, maybe a bit taller.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Tweek said, embarrassed.
"Well the first thing your doing wrong is stepping on the ice face front, it's easier if you step on it sideways." The dark haired boy said. "Oh. Thanks." Tweek said, not expecting more help. "Woah, where are you going that's not all." The boy said, in a sorta desperate voice. As if he didn't want Tweek to leave.

"Place your hands on the barrier so that you won't fall, and try again." The dark haired boy said. Tweek tried again, failing once again. "Sorry, I guess I just really suck at ice skating, maybe I should just stick to normal skating." Tweek said losing the last bit of confidence he had. "You know how to skate?" The dark haired boy said, surprised. "Yeah, it's way easier than ice skating." Tweek answered. "You should teach me someday." The dark haired boy suggested. "O-oh I mean if you want me to, you would mind?" Tweek said. "Not at all." The dark haired boy said. "Hey, so what's your name dude?" Tweek said, wanting to ask as causal as possible. "Its Craig." Craig smiled. "Craig, that's a neat name, mine is Tweek." Tweek smiled back, feeling a new feeling he hadn't felt before.

They had spent the whole time talking, Craig only leaving when he realised the group of friends he was with had already left. They had exchanged numbers and found that they lived near eachother. Tweek was even going to go to Craig's school.

Tweek felt excited now, having a new friend would make things easier now.


"So you actually talked to him!?" Clyde said, they were currently in Craigs bedroom. Which wasn't very neat, there was bundles of dirty clothes in a cornier of his room, while a different corner had Stripe #5 cage, his desk was messy with papers that seemed to be flying around the room, trash hidden under his mattress, but poking out from the sides, making it just noticeable. "Yeah, I did," Craig paused and looked toward Clyde, noticing that Clyde had covered his mouth and looked like he was about to burst out laughing. "but not because I want to date him, idiot. I want to be his friend, he seemed cool and nice. He's even going to our school on Wednesday." Craig finished. "Your cock also thought he wa-" Clyde was hit in the face with a pillow before he could say anything else.

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