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 Candy Pop had heard of his old friends unfortunate end. His body found lying in my center of the forest, beside him, a blood trail led deeper into the trees where it suddenly ends in a large puddle of a mutilated body; too beaten and ripped to even identify the gender of the dead.

It was unfortunate Jason let himself be blinded with that ridiculous well. Nobody said the well only spoke good. It only spoke truth. The killer leaned against his lover, closing his eyes to think, when footsteps neared close and the tent flap flew open. The stranger was immediately surrounded by the crew, all ready to kill. The stranger held up his hands and grinned an innocent smile. "Friends. Don't fret. It was a shame to see what had happened to your companion, but I have an explanation for it all." He slowly slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. The wire tied around his fingers and he showed the crowd a blue gem tied through it. Papagrande nodded to the others to relax then looked back. "Explain then."

The stranger held up the necklace higher. "My name is Liu Woods. And THIS is how I know it all!" The boy climbed onto a wooden crate to stand higher than everyone. "This tracking device not only showed me where the target was, but where she's ever been. And from your friend's actions with it all, I believe I have the perfect explanation."

He smiled, shoving the necklace into his pocket. "I'll begin with (y/n). At a young age, she was declared psychotic and transferred to a hospital. Years passed but obviously treatment didn't work and she managed to escape not long before your friend went off. In fact, the same night he did. She started towards her parents house until she grew tired and hijacked a car which broke down. From there, she walked until she reached her parents. By then, she killed them and disposed of the bodies, leaving the house all to herself." Liu waited to observe the others, making sure they were understanding it all. "Me and Clockwork were tasked to see if the girl would be a good recruit for either Slender or Zalgo. Our mission got more tricky when Jason arrived and that's when his death was assured."

"I don't understand." Nathan the Nobody muttered gently. "What made Jason flip on us?" He tilt his head curiously. Liu smirked. "Ah ha! Not you guys, but his good pal, Candy." The boy winked at the killer. "He thought Anesthesia was taking his friend. And blamed Candy Pop for trying to leave him. So Jason flipped that night. The well told his future, but here's another twist. The well reveals it's secrets to only the pure souls. So why was Jason able to see it?" Liu asked, tapping his chin. "My conclusion was that he never really belonged here to begin with. His soul was pure because he was able to easily become a true and kind person if he tried, unlike our asses." Liu joked, earning a few quiet chuckles. "Jason killed if he was left behind. A possessive man, but he never really fit here because he was nice. So he finds the girl's name and travels to the human world where he finds her, but not before killing a few children quickly to get himself in the news and prepare her for his arrival. The girl is emotionless already and plays an act of an innocent girl to lead him on." Liu took a quick moment to breathe then continued. "The sweet act works and Jason believes he found the girl. With his troubles here in our world, he thinks he can make a fresh start as a better person with a little help." The boy snapped his fingers. "But he was wrong. The girl visits the marketplace to find him, her act growing more bold as she pretends to have growing feelings for Jason. That's when I got the chance to slip her the tracking device. Near his end, he brings her into the woods to explain everything without peering eyes and that's when Clockwork appeared." He looked down, seemly a little sad. "She had been with me first, tracing down the codes for the device and figured out the girl's plans so she had hurried there. But Jason turned against her and she died. That's when the girl attacked. The whole time, she had been waiting for Jason to destroy the only protection he had and be vulnerable. When it happened, she wasted no time taking the music box Jason had given her at a park and smashing it, thus, actually destroying his external heart. Before he died, the Rake had smelled Clockwork's blood and arrived, mangling the human girl's body up and dragging Clockwork away."

"The human girl was the bad one all along." Radio Face clenched his fists. "Clockwork just tried to help and she was killed!"

An argument boiled up between the group as the whole circus started to fight. Liu took this chance to slip away. He'd relayed the information and done his job. The story of Jason wouldn't be forgotten. As Liu began his path home, something caught in his shoe. The boy looked down to see the thorn of a rose sticking into it, the rest of the Rose clinging on. Liu reached down to gently pull the flower off, staring curiously into the black petals. "A rose, hm?"

A Single Rose [X Reader/Jason The Toy maker]Where stories live. Discover now