♐Chapter 6♣

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Safe? Was there even such thing? Each passing minute, I felt my heart tighten from excitement. The color was so overwhelming. Did I really love him? I wasn't sure yet. I tightened my grip on his hand, letting Jason lead me through the woods. I looked back but I couldn't see into my town anymore. I was just surrounded by trees. It was so peaceful. The vibrant green and shining blue of the sky. I felt as though I could stay here forever. Jason suddenly stopped and looked back to where i was looking at him confused. "Can you see what I see, dear (y/n)?" The killer asked gazing down. I followed his eyes until I spotted a growing flower before us. Not just any flower though. A rose with jet black petals and sharp thorns. Jason released my hand and I watched him lean down to pluck the stem. His fingers gently held the rose to avoid the thorns then he turned back with a soft smile. It was silent as we locked eyes for a few moments, then he held it out. "A single rose."
What... Was this? Just like the one left on my porch. I reached to grab it but didn't get the chance when I felt a stabbing pain. I jerked back, feeling a liquid drip down my finger. Jason stood up and held out his free hand. "Let me see it." His voice was quiet as if he was treating me like a delicate glass doll. I can't say I didn't like it though. I held out my hand and Jason took it in his. I could feel his soft skin again. It was almost like velvet. He inspected the prick then smiled, showing his sharp teeth. "Ah just a small poke. Don't worry. I'll make sure it doesn't do that again." His eyebrows lowered and I watched in disbelief as Jason began to slowly rip the thorns off. Three of them, which he tossed aside then handed it back. There was an empty circle where the thorns once were. It fell quiet again then Jason spoke up. "I suppose I shall explain myself now. How I got here and what happened in your house." He put a hand over his chest. "It happened a few days ago..."

"Oh babe you're so sweet." The girl giggled. Ugh I couldn't stand her face. I couldn't stand her voice. I couldn't stand her presence. Her mere existence stole my friend away from me. Candy pop grinned. "No you're the sweet one." He pulled Anesthesia close, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. I couldn't stand this display any more. I pulled myself off the crate I sat on and started away when he called after. "Jason where are you going?"
"Aww Jass-ey you're leaving?" Anesthesia pouted, her voice growing more annoying. I clenched my fists, burying my nails into my skin to calm down. Then with a heavy sigh, I turned back. "Indeed. I can't take this anymore. I'm going home." Well, with what I considered home. My small workshop tower. My friend was betraying me. I don't like it when friends.... Betray me. He'll pay for this. I pushed myself out of the circus tent, leaving the couple behind.
Tick tock
Tick tock
Tap tap tapping on my desk. Candy Pop replaced me with a girl. If it were a human, I could easily take their soul and they'd become my new toys. But... One of my own kind... Would not be so easy. I glazed around my workshop. My friends... They would never leave me. But Candy Pop... He shall leave. For good. Under the cover of daylight, I sent out a toy bunny. "Keep them distracted while I finish my job. Don't let the pastas or Zalgo find me."
With a curt nod, the bunny vanished into the shadows of the outside forest. When you're part of a group that's not supposed to exist, you have to be sure only your allies are about. Jack, Slenderman, and Jeff. I had found them by mistake. Luckily for me, Slenderman was a reasonable fellow who offered help long ago. Since then, they're the only pastas who know of our existence. Our group is a small, unknown side of the world. We weren't actually supposed to exist. Simply call us the glitches of the Netherlands. It was me, Candy Pop, Radio Face, Puppeteer, Anesthesia, Lyet, Hobo Heart, Arcane, Nathan The Nobody, and our leader, Papagrande; an unforgiving circus Meister. But... As for Zalgo's side. You're either with or against him. I would be killed on sight if they didn't torture information out of me first. If my spy is out, I can quickly kill Candy Pop and get home before the sun went down. I slipped out, a jagged screwdriver in hand. The circus circus tent was close by. There would be a woodland show in just a few hours. The group hurried around to prepare and there, I spotted my target carrying a box backstage. Nobody would suspect a thing if I were holding a screwdriver; being the toymaker I was. This was perfect. I dipped behind the curtain where it was all silent but the sound of his scuffling around. I needed to creep up and take him out fast before I was caught. I turned a corner of crates, spotting him taking number of the box he just hauled in. It was time. You would die.
I gripped the screwdriver tightly, my footsteps never made a sound. I could feel my heartbeat in my chest as I approached. I began to raise the weapon above my head when it all went south. In a split second, Anesthesia's voice rang out in warning. I turned back, seeing the girl had come in on the attempt. In a moment of distraction, Candy Pop jerked back, pulling the screwdriver from my hand. I tried to run but my old friend didn't hesitate to drive it through my chest. I felt the splitting pain and cried out, ripping it from my chest and turning it on him. Candy Pop didn't fight back, letting me throw him to the ground. With a hard thud, I threw myself over him, pressing my hand against Candy Pop's throat. I heard Anesthesia cry out but she was the least of my worries. "I never want to see you again." I warned. Candy Pop looked up, seething his eyes into mine before breaking out into a smile. "Kill me Jason. Soak my blood in your hands. Papagrande will be after you next."
With the bloodied screwdriver in hand, I turned back to the entrance. Anesthesia was gone, probably off to tell the others. I was growing weaker. I wouldn't have time to escape if I killed him now. In a swift movement, I crawled up and rushed for an escape, hand over the stab. They would hunt me now. I was ready.

A Single Rose [X Reader/Jason The Toy maker]Where stories live. Discover now