♫Chapter 1♦

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The sky darkened with rain clouds that night.

I was in a hurry to get home from my latest accommodations for the day before I was to be pelted and soaked. Unfortunately the day hadn't been kind.

My car had broken down and I had to leave it on the side of the road because the tow truck was getting repairs. My phone was dead so I had no way of calling a cab. So I was walking back home but that turned into a jog. Then, as I felt the first raindrop, it was a run.

Before long, I could see my house in sight but it was already too late. My clothes were soaked to the bone and a chill clung to my skin. I unlocked my door and stumbled inside where it was dry. The first thing I did was peel off my clothes and toss them in the hamper. Then I set my muddy shoes in the bathroom to be cleaned later. It wasn't a big deal to be naked here. I lived here alone after all.

I dragged myself to the bedroom and opened the dresser. A variety of clothes awaited me. I pulled out a random shirt and pants and slipped them on. As I turned around to get a towel for my hair, I noticed something strange on my bed. At closer inspection I found a small wind up toy and a note.

Who on earth-?

I examined the toy first. A small mouse. I wound it up and set it down to see if it worked. It did indeed. The mouse took off out the room. I bolted after it but it vanished. How unfortunate. I kind of liked it.

I returned to the note and read the fancy writing. It was written in a red quill tip pen. I could easily tell thanks to the ink blotches.

"Hello sweet (y/n). A beautiful name. Our hearts have been tangled from the beginning. But alas we are worlds apart. Enjoy my gift but be warned, he likes to hide. You'll meet me soon enough. For now, beautiful, sweet, (y/n), be patient."

I couldn't help but blush at the note. Who left this and when?

There was no signature. The words ended there. Was someone in my house? I seemed alone now, so I tried to forget about it.

I set the note on my dresser and took it's place on the bed laying back and setting my head on the pillow. Whoever left that note was here. In my house. But I was tired and cold. Despite my thoughts, I'd set this incident aside and managed to fall asleep.

I had a dream that night. Music was playing and people danced. The scene was blurry and hard to make out. But it seemed like it was in a ballroom. I was standing in the middle, looking around. Everyone was laughing and having fun. Yet I was alone. My dream self began pulling away from my thoughts until I was no longer in control and I simply watched the scene in my head.

A stranger approached her and bowed. Even with the blur, I could tell he had shoulder length red hair and dressed quite formally. He held out his hand and waited until my dream-self took his gesture then they began to glide over the floor.

The dance was quite magnificent. The real me couldn't dance the way they had. That's the good thing about dreams I guess. The way anything could happen.

I awoke slowly, interrupting the conclusion to the dance. The sun hardly shone through my window. It was still murky outside. Good thing I had nothing to do today.

I sat up from bed and let out a quick yawn before swinging my legs around and letting them hit the floor then walking to the kitchen.

The morning was peaceful and I had a fully charged phone now. I checked for messages, finding only one. Checking it opened a single junk mail. I deleted it then make myself a bowl of cereal.

I still felt half asleep today.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. It turned onto some cliché comedy. I changed it to the morning news and listened while I ate.

A few boring stories about lost pets and a car crash that was luckily resolved. Then came one that really got me.

"Now back to Jeannette." The weather forecaster looked to the right where the screen changed to a tall caramel skinned woman with long black hair and a fancy dress. She gave the camera a grin then fixed her papers.

"In later news, a notorious killer is now on the loose for the kidnapping and alleged deaths to six children in the area. He's still at large and we advise to call the hotline if anyone sees this criminal."

A picture came up on the side of screen.

The killer was a man that looked amazingly like the one from my dream. Except much less blurry. I paused the show so I could examine the picture.

He was smiling in the picture and had a strange face paint. Three black painted spikes from both eyes. His hair was the same in my dream as well. A mischievous look was on his face. He didn't look that old actually. Around my age perhaps.

I played the show again and they said the phone number.

"Jason is a young male with red hair and green eyes. His last known location was around the shopping area last Tuesday afternoon. Again, do not engage if spotted. Call the number on the screen."

Jason... That's his name?

I'd have to keep an eye out for him.

I finished my cereal and returned to the living room after putting the bowl in the sink, to find another strange object. It came with no note but it was another toy. A doll with curly orange hair and small button eyes. Unlike most dolls, she had a frown on her face. I examined it a moment and looked around. Was this left here by the same one who left the gifts yesterday?

It had to be. But who was leaving the gifts? Where are they?

I set the doll back down and plopped down beside it.

"You like cartoons?" I asked. The doll didn't reply. I smiled warily. I was talking to a doll. I really needed some friends. "Okay. I'll put something on for you." I changed it to Spongebob and proceeded to watch four episodes before finally growing bored.

Putting the empty cereal bowl in the sink then hopping on my phone.

Joy. Love. Hate. Envy. Tap tap tap. Tapping on the doors and the windows and the walls. Tapping a song. Drumming my hands on anything I could find to make a beautiful beat. Joy. Yes. I'll settle for joy.
The lovely feel feeling of joy. Making such music gave me joy. My heart leapt in my chest. I loved her! I was sure of it! I do hope she likes my gifts. I made them just for her.
I wanted to be her friend... So I had watched her everyday deciding on the best way to approach. But soon, I had a feeling... A warm feeling. I'm not an idiot, you see. I knew that I had fallen for her. But we could... Never be. I'm a killer. I lived in a whole new universe. But she... So pure and beautiful and kind. I could never be with her. Oh but that's just what the old man says! I loved her and there's no way I would simply give her up!
Yes... That's right.
Tap tap tap tap.....

Growing bored of the house, I decided to go somewhere. I slipped on a dry pair of shoes and stepped outside. There was still no reply from the tow company so I would have to walk somewhere. The closest place was the park or the shopping district. And after that news story, I'd try to stay away from there for now. So I decided to head the the park. On my way out the door, I had to abruptly stop to avoid crushing something on my doorstep. I kneeled down and picked up a strange black rose. A.. Single rose.

A Single Rose [X Reader/Jason The Toy maker]Where stories live. Discover now