♪Chapter 2♥

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 "Welcome welcome ladies and gents to the dark carnival!"
Cheering! Applause! Such beautiful noise!
"For our first act, the flying trapeze!"
I gestured up above where a spotlight hit a young boy atop the platform.
"Show em' what you're made of, child!" I erupted into laughter. The child gripped the swing and jumped off. He soared over to the second one, barely grabbing hold of the next swing and stumbling over to the second platform. The crowd flew into applause but I was not amused. The child shook in his skin but that's no fun!
The spotlight returned to me. "Well well! Wasn't he marvelous?"
Clapping responded. I chuckled and shook my head. "No no! Where's the fun without a little... Danger?"
At my words, two girls pushed out a tiger cage. I left the stage while the door was opened and the real fun began. Just then, there was a tap on my shoulder. "Who the blistering fuc-" I stopped myself, finding a good friend behind me. I gave them a grin. "Well if it ain't my little Jason! Back from the human world I see. Finally get over that noxious girl?"
What a good friend he was. I had been excitedly awaiting his return after he told be about the curious incident not long ago.
The red haired male sneered. "Please. Like I would give up that easily. I need your help though."
I smirked and put an arm around his shoulders. "Right. Tell it all to uncle Jackie."
"What about your show outside?" Jason looked out the curtains. I scoffed and waved it off. "I'm sure they're a bloody mess out there. I'll play with them later. For now, I'm interested in you." I poked his chest. Jason gave a weak smile. "Okay."
A walk in the park was just what I needed. The quiet wind, the grey trees. It gave me cold feelings but I like them. It was a relaxing time today. The park was empty. Most likely because the grass was still soaked. I shoved my hands in my pockets and closed my eyes. Then I heard soft music. At first, I thought it was from far away but the music seemed to be coming closer and closer. Then it just shut off. I looked around but I couldn't see any difference. But I felt like I was being watched. Something sparkled in the grass. It seemed to be calling me over. I stepped into the field, soaking my shoes, only to find a music box. I picked it up and examined the box carefully. There was so much color and life inside this one box than I had seen inside this whole park. I cranked the handle until it stopped then released it. The lid opened and a small ballerina spun around slowly as a soft tune began to play. Who's was this? It was so beautiful.
I wanted to return it to it's owner but nobody was around. Examining the box showed there was no name either. Was this... Another gift? No. It couldn't be.
But the music sounded so beautiful in my grey world. My world... So boring and lifeless. The same thing day after day. It was hard to see things in color. But this box was a dazzling light. The lid closed after the song ended and I held it close to my chest. "Whoever you are... thank you." I called out, hoping the strange gifter was nearby.
Most people would fear strange gifts or possible stalkers nearby but it's just what my life needed. Possible sparks. I continued to feel a pair of eyes on me and I was sure now that I was being watched. "Please come out. I want to meet you." I spoke loud enough that they might have heard. But nobody came out from hiding, even if they were here. I sighed and turned around to make my way back home.
Upon entering my house, I popped some waffles into the toaster to start lunch and opened the cupboard that contained the syrup, nearly jumping five feet in the air when a small mechanical mouse sat inside. I took a breath of relief and took it out, holding it gently in my hands. "There you are. I was worried." I muttered, turning the mouse over and fully checking it out for the first time.
It was a simple grey mouse with wheels on the bottom. Not much was different between this one and a store bought one besides the weight. This mouse was much more heavier than a plastic one. It must have been made with fine materials. I could feel movement from inside. Gears perhaps. It was very well made. I was honestly impressed. "What should I name you then?" I pondered and set it down on the counter beside the music box. "How about Duncan?" I asked then shook my head. "No. That just doesn't seem right. Noah?"
I stared into the mouse's coal black eyes. "How about (Name)? Yea. I like that." I gave it a warm smile. "That's really nice. I hope you don't run away again." I jumped as the waffles popped up from the toaster. I grabbed the syrup and set the waffles on a plate, making my way to the living room to catch up on TV.
Then it happened. In the center of my living room was a stranger. He was tall and his eyes grew a Jade green. More than that, I recognized him from the news. My plate slipped from my fingers and hit the ground with a shattering crash. He was here, in my house. A murderer. The whole room was frozen. He didn't move and I couldn't. What was going on in his head? Why wasn't he moving? He was just standing there, observing me. My body was paralyzed in fear. His eyes seemed to stare into me and finally, I broke free and dart for my phone. I dug my hands in my pockets and pulled it out.
In a swift movement, I was thrown to the floor and pinned under his weight. His legs held me down on either side and his arms rested beside my head. Jason's shoulder length fire red hair fell over his face as he looked down on me. My phone had been thrown from my hands and now rested under the couch. Was this it? Was I really going to die?
I stared into his eyes. Actually.. I couldn't stop from looking. He had so much color I couldn't look away. A black top hat, purple suit, black and white makeup, and his green eyes. He was beautiful but I could feel the danger pulsing off him.
"Don't call the police. You wanted to meet me didn't you? You asked to see me. And here I am." His voice was almost like a whisper. It was slick and quiet. What do I do? Would he kill me?
I could hear my own heartbeat. HE was leaving the gifts? This.. Murderer?
His face held a frown. "I can see it in your eyes. You don't accept me."
I tried to hold a steady gaze and calm my racing heart. "You... You killed people...." I forced out. Jason used one hand and held it over his chest. "Killed? No... Miss... They are alive. Why, one of them it right there." He turned to the couch. I moved my head and my eyes locked onto the doll. "That.. Why?" I tried to pick my words carefully.
Jason grinned and lowered his head, pressing his ear to my chest. "Your heartbeat... It sounds so beautiful." He muttered. I was frozen. What do I do? What could I do? But for a strange reason, I wasn't afraid anymore. I set a hand on his head, feeling the strands of fire red hair in my fingers. What was I doing? I hardly know myself. People would be afraid in this situation but I felt nothing, as always. I was a blank slate and I knew it. Even if he did kill me, I would probably still feel nothing.
It was soft and he smelled sweet like candy. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my shoulder, causing me to cry out and instinctively throw him off. I sat up and threw my hand over my shoulder.
There, I felt small teeth marks. Did he just... bite me?
Just then, I heard the TV in the back and looked down at Jason. He was still laying on the ground, rolled over on his side to face the wall. I slowly inched to the phone while he wasn't watching.
Managing to get towards the couch and reach an arm under but just as I felt my fingers graze the screen, I was grabbed. Hands squeezed into my shoulders and the weight lifted off as I was thrown back.
Jason stood over me again, his green eyes weren't glowing anymore and looked to be a light gold. His eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Do you not understand? (Y/n)..." He kneeled down and held out a familiar black rose. "Our hearts belong to each other. You belong to me... and I... to you."
He suddenly looked up and frowned. "I have to go. Until we meet again."
I blinked and he was gone. The colors around the room I had seen before all appeared black and white once again. I could hear rain trickling down from outside and the sound of my breath. I was alone again. I didn't understand what had just happened.
Again, I dragged myself to my phone and opened up emergency dial.
His face engraved in my head as I typed in the three digits.
My phone buzzed and I lifted it to my ear to hear the reply.
"Nine one one what's your emergency?" The woman asked calmly.
I opened my mouth to speak but his words were yelling in my head.
"Our hearts belong to each other. You belong to me... and I... to you."
Why were those words stuck in my head? What did they mean?
My heartbeat increased and I clicked hang up.
This was going to be a strange page in my life.

A Single Rose [X Reader/Jason The Toy maker]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن