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 Is it finally over for me? Is this my fatal end? The moon glittering from above spoke no words. "Have you abandoned me now too?"

I stared for an eternity, waiting for some kind of response. The silver disk was simply silent. I was finally snapped from my trance as a twisting, sharp pain coursed down my ribs. I grunted and held my hand over the wound, still bleeding out. "They're looking for me, aren't they." I jerked my head back to peer into the trees but there was nothing but silence. Did I throw them off my trail? That couldn't be right. The blood could lead them right for me. And yet, not a thing. A light, gentle object suddenly landed on my head. I reached up and pulled out a single pink petal. Strange...

What kind of tree grows petals here? I think I remember... I've heard of this place before. Is this the Bloodmist Clearing? I think I remember hearing about a tree in stories. A tree that brought life. Unlike all the Deadwood Pines, the Bloodmist Willow was the only tree... I've never been here before. How did the story go?

Wrought on by grief, by agony, and death, together we shall share this beauty. Alas a single plant that's grown in secret, it's shown to the purest of hearts. A light shines brighter for all to see, then the wishing well, there will be.

I think that's how it went. A wishing well? Could I heal there? I staggered forward, the stab wound in my chest aching with every step. But I didn't have to walk long. A long tendril suddenly fell over my shoulder. When I looked up, the Willow stood high above me. I brushed it off when something caught my eye. It couldn't be.

The glittering water told me otherwise. The well is real then? I hobbled over and leaned over the water. The crystal clear liquid looked completely untouched and pure. "How do I use this thing?" I muttered quietly then opened my mouth to speak again when a pink petal float down into the water. I reached out and plucked it out. The drops returned to the well. I turned the petal over and noticed a name on it. When I read it outloud, my body felt relaxed. My wound had closed up, and I didn't feel tired. What kind of place is this?

I pocket the petal and repeated the name again.

I have to find this human the well has shown me. If they are the one I have been shown, this must be my savior.

A Single Rose [X Reader/Jason The Toy maker]Where stories live. Discover now