Daniel wasted no time in crouching before her. He pinched her cheeks in a gentle way, gazing fondly at her. "Don't worry. I'll teach you. That and many other things like—"

"Things like what, eh?" I wiggled my brows at Amara who failed in her attempt to fight back a smile. "I don't want to know what they are."

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Kaira." Daniel threw his head back in laughter, hitting my leg as he did so. "You this girl. What do you think I was about to say?"

"Don't ask me."

• • •

"Our Bio teacher told us to meet you for tutoring." Zarah said, standing doe-eyed beside Nathan. She entered the library with Tina, and they had their hands at their backs like children before a superior.

Nathan, on the other hand, stared at them like he was lost. These past three weeks he's been in this school, I never bothered myself with trying to know he did during his free time. Or when he wasn't around me. Nevertheless a part of me cared to know.

We currently had a free period. While Amara, Daniel, and Caleb stayed back in class, I was in the library coupled with few of my classmates and other senior students. Nathan was here too, withdrawn to himself, reading some book. My joblessness allowed me to watch over the wooden barrier, which separated readers, as the girls begged their eyes off for Nathan to teach them.

"Did she really say that?" Nathan combed his fingers through his dark brown curls, his glance switching between the two girls.

"Yes." Zarah nodded.

"No," Tina countered at the same time.

"Tina!" Zarah bumped Tina's hip with hers, clearly Tina wasn't meant to tell Nathan that. I stifled a laugh, my hands over my mouth, and ducked down my head. I was surprised they didn't notice me. It wouldn't matter anyway.

"What?" Tina asked. "Miss Sunshine only said we should meet any of the top scorers of the test, was it not?"

"Yes, but...Nathan scored the highest. So, we meet him!" I pictured Zarah closing her eyes, pinching her nose bridge in utter frustration. "I can't believe she paired me with you."

"Neither can I," said Christina.

"So, er, she didn't straight out mention my name?"

I discreetly peeped up at them again.

"Yes," Zarah answered, taking a moment to stare angrily at Tina before looking at Nathan like she was an angel. "But we want you to help us. Please. Please?"

Nathan eased back into his chair. "Honestly wish I could. But I can't."

"See? Didn't I tell you it won't work out?"

"Shut up, Christina." Zarah groaned.

"I won't. We should have chosen Emmanuel or Daniel or someone else, before going to someone who scored thirty." Tina moved her hands like a lecturer while explaining to Zarah.

"Can you hear the shit you're talking now, Tina?"

"For your informa—"

Nathan nodded. "I agree with Tina."

"Thank you."

"It's better doing it that way," Nathan continued. "Daniel also explains well."

"Fine." Zarah started for the exit. "Let's get going, Tina."

Tina rolled her eyes, apologized to Nathan for the disturbance, and hurried to meet Zarah.

The two walked outside, still arguing loudly between each other even after the librarian signalled for them to lower their voices. Since Tina joined us in SS1, she and Zarah never got along well. If they were magnet poles, they'd both be the like ones. The only similarity between them was their being coolheaded whenever they wanted to.

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