Chapter 4: Dinner

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Salam Readers,

Here is the next chapter as promised

Hope you enjoy :)



It's 10pm and I have only just come back home. My office closes at 5:30pm and I usually work until 7pm, but today I stayed till 9:30pm. I had to do this to avoid the unwanted person in my house.

I walked into the living room and at down on the black leather sofa. I looked around and I saw a covered plate on the dining table. There's never usually a plate of food for me when I come back from work as I usually eat dinner at work. I made sure Maryam knew of this, so I know she didn't keep the plate here, which only means she has. Did she not understand that I didn't want anything to do with her. I don't know what to make of her actions. Ignoring the plate, I went upstairs to shower and get ready for bed.

I laid down on my bed, and I cannot stop thinking of the plate that was left on the dining table. Why did she leave a plate out for me? Maybe I am overthinking, and she left the plate out because it was the leftover food. I got up from my bed and headed down to the dining table.

I uncovered the plate, and the aroma hit my nose. It was my favourite dhal chawal and sabzi. If I don't eat this it will just go to waste, I might as well eat it.

"This has nothing to do with Ayat leaving the plate of food" I reassured myself.

After eating the food, I cleared up the dining table and my dishes. I headed to bed to actually sleep this time as I need to wake up early to go to the office and to avoid seeing her.


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I know this is a very short chapter, hence the double update this week.

Stay tuned, the story will start picking up the pace from the next chapter onwards.

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