| T W E N T Y • O N E |

461 13 41

| Hazel |

I'm pretty sure the silence that filled the room and my inability to close my mouth that was hung open told them exactly how I felt about this situation.

My eyes went from her to Riri back to her, as if this just had to be some kind of joke.

No, like it actually had to. She's not really standing here right now, this has to be a part of my imagination.

I closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath in and back out.

I opened my eyes to see them both still standing there, staring at me.

Nope, definitely not a part of my imagination.

Shuri cleared her throat, finally taking her eyes off of me and turning to Riri.

"You didn't tell her I was coming?"

"You weren't suppose to still be here, remember?"

I knew there was something.

There's always something.

I hopped off of the counter, walking over to Riri, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Give us a minute." My tone came out cold and I couldn't even look her way, but she knew that I was talking to her.

"Sure." She mumbled before exiting the room, leaving me with a still nervous Riri.

I waited until she was in the room, with the door closed before saying anything else.

"What the fuck?"

"I can, maybe, kinda, explain." She stuttered out, ovoiding my gaze.

If looks could kill right now.

"I'm waiting."

"She needed my help with something so she came over last night-"

"Last night?! She's been here since last night and you didn't think that would be important information for me to know?"

"Well... No. You weren't even here and she was suppose to leave this morning so really, this interaction was never even suppose to happen." She gave me another one of her nervous smiles.

"Oh my gosh." I mumbled, massaging my temples.

I could feel a headache coming on.

"How long is she going to be here?"

"Well.... If it's okay with you... a few more days."


Yup, there's the headache.

"She still needs my help. I promise after that, she'll leave and you'll never see her again."

The word never made me cringe.

Never was a bit much.

"Fine." I mumbled. "But keep her on your side of the apartment!"

"I will. I promise." She responded holding out her pinky for me to take.

I sighed, wrapping my pinky around hers.

"So, where were you all night?" She asked, walking back over to her bowl of grapes and stuffing some into her mouth.

"With KJ." I shrugged.

"KJ?" She questioned, looking me up and down. Her eyes widened the moment she made the realization. "You slept with him!"

It was the loudest whisper I had ever heard.

"Could you not be so loud!" I whisper-yelled back.

"Wow, you go girl." She responded with a smirk on her face.

I was expecting a completely different reaction than that from her and she could tell by the confused look on my face.

"I'm just glad that you're happy."

Was. was happy.

"Sorry to interrupt. Is it okay if I steal Riri for a moment?" Even the sound of her made my whole body stiffen.

I gave a quick nod before turning back to Riri.

"I'll be in my room."

I took another glance at Shuri whose attention was still on me as she ran her tongue over her lips. I could feel her eyes burning into my backside as I walked out of the room and into mine.

My head was pounding and so was my heart.

I just couldn't believe she was here. I couldn't believe that I had to face her again.

Why was it so much easier getting over her when she wasn't around than it feels now?

I walked into the bathroom, turning the water on and allowing it to fill the tub along with some bubbles.

I needed a reset after everything that has happened today.

I stripped out of my clothes, stepping into the tub and sitting down.

I felt relaxed already.. until I closed my eyes.

Every time I closed my eyes, her face would appear in my thoughts. I felt myself missing her again though she was literally in the other room.

I felt myself craving her. Her presence. Her touch. Her attention.

I wanted her. So bad, but I couldn't.

I couldn't do that to myself again.

• • •

I was sitting at one of the kitchen barstools, debating if I wanted to find food or not when I heard her voice.


I turned around hoping to see Riri with her, but nope. It was just her.

It was just us. Alone.

"Hi." I mumbled before spinning the chair back around and going back to my thoughts.

She walked around so that she was now standing across from me. The only thing separating us was the kitchen island.

She was giving me the same look that she had been giving me since I've been home.

Like she was thinking the same thing that I was and couldn't believe that she was actually here.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I mumbled under my breath, looking everywhere but at her.

I couldn't hold eye contact with her for too long or I would start to get nervous.

She knew that she made me nervous, which is why she waited until I looked at her again to respond to my question.

How did I even get to this point?

"I miss you. I miss us, Hazel."

That sentence alone definitely made me forget how to breathe.

A month ago I would've done anything to hear those words come from her. I would've told her that I missed her too and all I wanted was to be with her.

But today, those words elicited a different feeling. A feeling that I thought I had worked through. A feeling that I couldn't let her see.

I laughed softly before removing myself from the stool I was sitting on. Her eyes watching my every move, waiting for me to say something.


"Goodnight Shuri."

And with that, I was back inside of my room, lying on my bed, replaying her words over and over.

She was back on my mind, and probably wasn't leaving it for a while.


•      •      •

Y'all should be so proud of me for updating like 3 days in a row 💀 Now I'm going to let my brain rest sooo, see y'all next week 🫶🏽 Enjoyyyy! Oh, & I need y'all to give poor Hazel a break 😭😭😭 She's trying 😭 Kind of... 😗

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