| T W E N T Y |

437 14 49

| Hazel |

The moment I opened my eyes I was immediately blinded by the light from the sun peeking through the blinds of the window.

I looked down, seeing that I was still completely naked under the covers and KJ's arms were wrapped around me.

All of the memories from last night flooded my brain, making a smile appear on my face.

The sex, the aftercare, the pillowtalk.

It was perfect... Well not as perfect as.. Nevermind.

Though it was a good night something in me wouldn't allow me to feel anything more than lust for him.

I knew I didn't want anything more than what we had last night. I wasn't ready to open my heart up again.. Not yet anyway.

"Good morning" His deep, husky voice whispered into my ear as his hand ran up and down my arm.

I was giggling like a child, still facing my back towards him.


His thumb rubbed over the back of my hand as he held it, placing soft kisses on my shoulder and up my neck, instantly making me feel warm in between my legs.

"I was thinking...." He spoke again as his mouth reached my ear.


"We should try this again. Starting today, let me take you on a date."

A date.

Those words didn't even sound right to me anymore. Even if it was just a simple date, it sounded like too much of a commitment for me.

I was open to finding something new. I knew I couldn't wait on Shuri forever, but that's not what I wanted right now.

I sighed, turning my head around to face him.

"What if we start small? Just like a hang out for now. I don't think I'm ready for anything more." I suggested, trying not to leave him too disappointed.

I'd rather be honest than lead him on like I did last time.

His lips pressed together and he just gave me a nod.

"Sure." The sound of his disappointment made me feel bad, but I was doing what was best for me. "But we can still this though, right?"

I laughed as he snuggled into my neck placing more kisses on it.

"Of course."

He smiled, turning over to grab a condom and slip it on before pulling me closer until we my back was completely touching his front.

The kisses continued from my shoulder to my back as he propped my leg up, slowly sliding into me.

A gasp escaped my lips, slowly turning into moans as he continued.

•     •      •

We ended up spending the rest of the day at his place, hanging out... as friends.

We were currently sitting on his couch, eating snacks, talking about whatever came to our minds.

I don't know how, but every conversation that I've had with anyone always resulted in me talking about Shuri.

That was the case for this conversation too.

"So you still love her?"

I sighed, popping another gummy worm in my mouth and trying to figure out a way to avoid this question.

The question played over and over in my head, resulting in me thinking about everything I had experienced with her since the first day I met her.

"I'll always have love for her." I responded, breaking the intense contact that we were having. "She was my first love. That doesn't just go away. Ya know?"

"Why didn't you try harder? To keep her, I mean. I feel like I would try harder for someone I really love."

"Is it really worth it if you're the only one trying?"

He gave an understanding nod to my rhetorical question.

"So, anyway."

I knew if we continued this conversation, I would be all they way back at step one of my healing journey.

The night continued with more deep conversations until I was pretty much exhausted and ready to go home.

"Thanks for last night.. and tonight." I said as we pulled into the parking space in front of my building.

"Anytime. and I do mean anytime." He winked at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Goodnight." I flashed him a smile before getting out of the car and heading upstairs to our apartment.

The stupid smile was still stuck on my face as I stood in front of the door. It wasn't stuck there because of him, but because of how pleased I was with myself.

No one could've convinced me that I would feel okay after that breakup.

Yet, here I was.

I walked in to see Riri sitting on the counter in the kitchen with a vine filled with grapes in her hand.

"Hazellll." She called as if she were surprised to see me walking into my own home.

It looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head any second now.

"Riri?" I responded, making my way over beside her and hopping on the counter as well.

"I wasn't expecting you to be home... so soon..." She laughed nervously, peeking around the corner like she was looking for something.

She was definitely up to something.

"When were you expecting me to be here?" I asked, remaining focused on her and how suspicious she was acting.

"Later." She shrugged, her eyes not leaving whatever she was looking for.

"Why are you acting weird? and what are you looking for?" I asked, finally turning my head in the direction that she was staring.

"Am I?" Her voice was high pitched, followed by more nervous laughter.


She let out a sigh, hesitant to tell me whatever it was she was going to say.

"So, real quick while I have you here." She hopped off of the kitchen counter walking away from me with a nervous smile on her face.

I squinted my eyes at her, waiting for whatever she was hiding to be revealed.

"Shuri's here.... Surprise." She said quickly, putting as much space in between us as she could.


As if that were her cue, Shuri walked out of her room and into the kitchen. Her eyes focused on me and only me.

She didn't look miserable at all. She looked so good, probably even better than she did when I left.

My stomach began to fill with butterflies and at that moment I was almost positive that my heart had stopped beating.

I literally felt every feeling that I had ever felt for her came back as if they had never went anywhere in the first place.

Just like that.. we were back at step one..

All of that hard work... for nothing.

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